Louis fucking tomlinson

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Harry rushed to get ready as Louis was about to stop by to get him, and take him to the party.

Which he didn't wanna go to, but who could resist those blue eyes?

Harry sighed as he put on his boots and tucked his long curly hair behind his ear.

All of a sudden he heard a knock on his front door.

Harry took one last look in the mirror before turning and walking to his front door to greet Louis.

His pupils were blown and his nose was red.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked scared.

Louis just chuckled and said "come on man"

He pulled harry, but the taller boy was a little hesitant before giving in and following Louis.

"Louis I-"

"Nonsense styles, you're coming to this party whether you like it or not" Louis interrupted

Harry just stumbled along with the most likely high Louis.

"When we get there don't be nerdy styles, pretend you belong alright?" Louis said glancing back at the taller boy with a small smirk on his lips.

Harry trailed louis' body taking in his outfit.

But something caught Harry's eyes

"You smoke cigarettes?" He ask.

"You don't?" Louis chuckled and pushed the pack further in his pocket so it wasn't as noticeable.

"Absolutely not. That stuff ruins your body" Harry said matter of a factly. 

"Well I'm still breathing okay" Louis kicked a rock down the street hitting a car tire parked on the side of the road.

"You won't be if you keep it up" Harry told him.

"Whatever you say Styles" Louis suddenly stops in front of a gigantic house that had music playing and people scattered everywhere.

"Remember what I said styles" Louis said sternly and walked towards the house.

"Not like they'll see us enter anyways.." Harry mumbled.

"LOUIS!" Harry heard a woman shout and the whole crowd cheered.

So he's more popular than he seems.

"Hey Eleanor" he said walking up to her and kissing her on the lips.

What the fuck. Talk about mixed signals.

Louis turned to Harry with his arm wrapped around Eleanor's waist "Harry this is Eleanor, my girlfriend."

Ah. Straight man kissed me a (straight man) probably turning me gay and then dropping the girlfriend bomb.

"Cool." Harry said and Eleanor sent him a weird look.

"Alright we'll Harry enjoy yourself I'll be around" Louis said shooting him a wink and walking into the house with Eleanor most likely to go get a beer.

Harry just stood there dumbfounded on why he fell for a guy so fast, and it turns out the guy has a fucking girlfriend.

"If he can do it, I can do it right back." Harry mumbled and walked out of the front yard and on his way back to his house.

Fucking men, I should just stick to women.


Harry made it home and took off his clothes and putting on more comfy ones.

The curly haired boy stretched and grabbed a book, sitting down on the couch and reading it.

But the problem is, harry is too distracted by his own thoughts to even get past the glossary.

He just shuts the book abruptly and rubs his eyes aggressively.

Harry threw his head back and groaned.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" he practically screamed.

"I was fine with women before Louis fucking Tomlinson came along, now what's wrong with me."

Harry threw the book across the room, it hit the wall and fell to the floor in a flash.

He sighed.

"Fucking Louis Tomlinson."


Harry awoke to the sound of a bell ringing.

His doorbell ringing to be exact.

He checked the clock that read 1:20 am.

Who the hell is here this late.

Harry got up and trudged sleepily to his door and opened it.

"Harryyy!" Louis said throwing himself onto the taller boy.

Louis squeezed him in a hug "I missed you, where did you go"

"I came home, I didn't feel like par-" Harry was stopped when he heard Louis' snoring.


"Damn it" Harry mumbled.

He picked up Louis and kicked the door shut with his foot.

Harry took the small boy to his bedroom and placed him down gently on the bed.

"Louis fucking tomlinson.." Harry mumbled staring down at Louis' sleeping face that was a bit red presumably from the cold air outside.

Harry took one more glance before chuckling lowly and shutting off the bedroom light.

What a roller coaster of a night.

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