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Kongpob's POV

As P'Knott said I did take half day and that was that. After that I'm working like all the time. It's been three months I've been working in Rojnapat industries as P'Knott's secretary and I swear never in my life time gone this fast.

Everyday I woke up early. Go to office. Make coffee for my boss and give it to him. When he enjoys his coffee. I told him all his schedule and then our day starts. When lunch time comes all department head gather at one department and we ate our lunch with everyone. After lunch everyone resume their work.
From what P'Knott said every department head have his personal assistance but he didn't wanted because he thought he could handle. And he handled well but then Mr. Rojnapat decided to appoint me and he said now he understands why it's important. I didn't get it though.

Past three months I encountered Mr. Rojnapat thrice. Only in meeting where all head of department had meeting with him. I never met him beside that. I've heard so much about him but no one talks freely about him, not even his friends. I don't know why so mysterious.
But even after that everyone respect him including his friends. I've seen him from afar and now my respect about him have increased more. How can person be so perfect..

"Kongpob.." I heard someone shouting my name. I got startled. I noticed my phone is ringing. I received call as it's unknown number I don't know whose number is it, "Hello who us this?" I asked.
"Hello cutie.." that..
"Hello Mr. Jack how may I help you?" I asked.
"You haven't paid rent.." He said.
"I've already paid my rent for this month. Now if you excuse me..." Saying this I cut the call. I sighed in frustration.

"Kongpob are you all right?" P'Knott said, how long he is standing there?
"Yeah phi I'm totally fine.." I said.
"Ok then we have some work to be done as I'm going on vacation from next week.." He said.
"Ok, let's go." I said with smile.

Past few days Jack is annoying me calling repeatedly. I tried to look for apartment but not one fit in my budget. This week I'm doing overtime as P'Knott is going on vacation. He is going to meet Tew's parents. Today is Saturday and he is leaving tomorrow morning. We've finished work and I'm heading home. Today I'm not much in mood to tolerate anyone as I've been working my ass off full week..

As I entered room I saw Jack already in there. I panicked but didn't let it on my face. I can smell arousal even though I'm standing in door and he is sitting in middle of living room.
"How did you get in?" I shouted.
"Did you forget this I my condo.." He said.
"Get out of here.." I shouted again.
He got up. He is drunk, I can tell as he stumbled.

He came towards me and grabbed me by arm and slammed me on wall. He touched me and tried to rip my clothes. I pushed him. He is Alpha so he didn't budge. He came towards me, wanting to touch me, but I punched him hard. He stumbled back but again coming towards me he started to touch me again. But this time he managed to touch me beneath my clothes. I shivered. I pushed him with full my strength. And started punching him. Once, twice, untile he spit blood.

He got up and looked at me and said, "If you didn't leave until tomorrow you don't wanna know what will happen with you.." his eyes were red and he looked like he'll murder me. He went away while limping as I kicked his leg earlier. I don't know what to do. Fear of crept inside me. I packed my bag and walked our of door.

I didn't have much, to be exact only three bags. I took them and called cab. I told him my office address. I didn't know why but I couldn't think of another address as my friends are not here. When taxi reached near to office I realized it's very bad idea. I should stay in hotel for night.

But it was late as I saw P'Knott coming towards cab as it's been 10 minutes we reached here and I didn't got out of it. He saw me and opened door. I got out of cab. I knew I must be looking like crap that's why without asking anything he paid for cab and even took my luggage.
He in one hand took my luggage and in other grabbed me by wrist. He walked towards elevator and said, "Go to our office I'll come in minutes." He punched number and walked away with my bags.

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