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I got freshen up and came out of bathroom. I saw P'Arthit talking someone on call and P'Oon sleeping peacefully. Thinking about these two, I realized how comfortable I become with them in no time. I'm ready to trust them even though I don't know them. But they are my Mate. Is that reason I trust them and became comfortable around them? Even my friends or seniors I took my time to know them and trust them.

Even though I acted opposite to what I say and became comfortable early but I never trusted someone without knowing about them..
After having hot bath, now I feel good. I walked towards my bed and sat looking towards P'Arthit who is standing near window and is on call and P'Oon who is sleeping peacefully looking adorable.
I blushed at my own thoughts. Calling P'Arthit as like this is new to me but I like how his name feel on my tongue.

I never felt attracted to anyone. I never had time for those things in first place. And my trust issues were always kept me away from people. But now thinking of my mates I feel something.. I don't know..
I never had any family. Beside my friends I didn't really had anyone but now I've Mates, two mates, my two Alphas. But will they accept me? What is their saying on our situation? I didn't heard of having two mates but then again I never had any interest in these things as I was busy in worrying about my survival. We should talk about this..

I was in my own thoughts when P'Arthit called me, "Kongpob.." I looked up. He is looking towards me while walking towards my bed where I'm sitting now. I like how he call my name. After many years I can feel my omega getting excited.
"You should've called me. Are you OK now?" He said in concern.
"I'm OK now phi..." I said assuring him.

We heard whine from behind.
"Phi.. phi is loud... I wants to sleep.."
We both chuckled at P'Oon's cuteness.
"Let me wake him first.." P'Arthit said. He went towards coffee table and picked up pinkmilk. He walked towards P'Oon bed and said, "Oon your pinkmilk is spilled.."
I saw P'Oon shot off bed. His eyes widened and he frantically looking around. P'Arthit held pinkmilk infront him. I saw his eyes lit up. He snatched pinkmilk from P'Arthit and started to drink..

Whole time he was looking so adorable. P'Arthit sat beside him ruffling his hairs. They both looked happy in this moment, looking towards each other. For first time I wonder how it might feel to have family..
My eyes got misty. I saw P'Oon's gaze fall on me. He got out of bed and walked towards me,
"Kong are you OK? Is it still hurt?" He asked looking towards me. I shook my head saying No. I smiled warily towards him..

"Kongpob are you OK?" I heard P'Arthit asking. I nodded my head and said, "I'm really ok P'Arthit.." He nodded.
"But you are crying.." P'Oon said.
I chuckled at his question and said, "I'm not crying. I got overwhelmed.." but then realized what I said. I looked at P'Oon and P'Arthit, they looked confused.
"I don't have family. So when I saw you both, I got overwhelmed looking towards you both having so much love for each other.." I explained. I saw they nodded.

"Oon, I called Tutah, he's coming to take you. Go and freshen up.." P'Arthit said.
"But phi I don't want to go away from Kong. He is hurt.." P'Oon whined.
"I know. But don't you want Kongpob to come home with you.." P'Arthit said. My eyes widened.
"P'Arthit I can.." I got cut by P'Oon as he got down from my side and jumped on P'Arthit saying, "Really can he come with us?" He asked. P'Arthit nodded.
P'Oon kissed P'Arthit on cheeks and shouted, "You are best phi.." and he ran towards bathroom.

P'Arthit chuckled.
"P'Arthit.." I called him.
"See Kongpob I promised Knott that I'll take care of You till he come back even before yesterday event. You are also our Mate. And I really don't want to anger my brother." P'Arthit said. I know what to feel so I just nodded.
"So what do you want for breakfast?" P'Arthit asked casually.
"I'll be okay with anything non spicy.." I told him and he nodded.
"I'll be back with breakfast.." He said while going out. I nodded.

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