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“Hello Mr. Rojnapat. Have a seat.” Doctor said as we walked in. Three of us walked in and sat. P’Krist took of his mask. I think this doctor knows them.
“So what brings you to me?” Doctor asked.
“Doctor let me first introduce. This is our mate Kongpob. And Kongpob this is Dr. Phana Kongthanin, old acquaintance and Ming’s mate.” P’Arthit introduced us. We greeted each other. P’Krist put my pills on table.
“These are pills he has been taking to stops his heats. We wanted to know if it’s safe. Also we want to run full body check up on him.” P’Krist said. His voice felt so cold. Doctor nodded.

“This type of cases normally handled by gynac but as you came to me and our new gynac is yet to join I’ll handle this case. But Mr. Rojnapat when he joins you will be transferred to him.” Doctor tells him.
“Can you tell us his name?” P’Arthit asked.
“I can’t yet. But you can ask director.” Doctor said. They know Director of this hospital?
“We will.” P’Kit said. P’Arthit looked surprised at his decision.

“But for now can you attend him?” P’Kit said and Doctor nodded.
“So let’s start with bit of history.” Doctor said and I nodded.
“Tell me your name.” Doctor said to me.
“Kongpob Kharp.” I told him.
“Kongpob, what is your age?” He asked.
“22 Kharp...” I told him.
“And when was your first heat?” He asked.
“At 15.” I told him.

“And lastly from when you are taking these pills? How many times you take it?” Doctor asked.
“It was around second heat. There was doctor who came to our school. He gave me these pills. I take these every month around heat.” I told him.
“What kind of symptoms you feel before and after you take these pills?” He asked.
“I feel sleepy most of time before my heat comes and also hungry. After taking pills I get cramps.” I told him.

“What kind of cramps?” He asked.
“severe pain in stomach. Weakness. Also I feel sleepy.” I told him. He gave nod.
“Have you ever experienced heat?” He asked and I nod my head saying yes.
“Okay I will write down some tests for now. Do these and we will see what to do after result comes.” He told us as he handed P’Arthit paper.
“You just need to do some scans and blood tests. As for your heat pills. I suggest you don’t take them. Let’s wait and see what results come.” He told.

“But doctor what if I got in heat?” I asked him.
“From my experience you won’t for now. It takes time to wear off effect of these kind of medicines. Hence we always suggest not to take heat preaventing medicines for long time.” He told me.
“But doctor I’m not ready to face heats.” I said. I’m worried what will happen when heat appears.
“Mr. Rojnapat I gave my suggestion but I think your mate will understand if his mate tells him.” Doctor said to P’Arthit, who nodded. I looked towards him and he gave me small smile while squzing my hand under table.

(Next day)

"Hello Mr. Rojnapat. Have a seat." Here we are again. Yesterday we had done all sort of tests. Doctor added one more when he talked with that gynecologist on call. And now we are here for results.
"So we have results here. As you may have noticed yesterday we have done scans, blood tests and hormone test as well." He informed. We nodded. I'm already stressed about test and now he is taking time to tell results also.

"I'll brief these for you. According to these results Kongpob's womb is damaged and his hormones are imbalanced. His blood shows presence of medications which might harm him." He explained.
"But I assure you that it can be cured with treatment. I've already discussed this case with gynecologist and he confirmed that this will be cured by treatment." He told us. I sighed in relief.

"So when should we start this treatment?" P'Arthit asked.
"For that we need to wait for week." Doctor told us.
"And why is that?" P'Kit asked in annoyance.
"As I told you our gynecologist will join after week." He said.
"We can search for other best gynac for him." P'Kit said. I looked towards him and saw him annoyed.
"I know you can but I think you should wait. He is best out there. I thought you already got his name.." Doctor said and P'Kit shook his head with sigh.

Found HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora