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a/n oml the picture is hot asf something purring lol i can't.

 3rd person pov 

Kylian  got home pretty late and went straight to bed He was too tired to even think.

Next day

  He woke up with the worst hangover ever "fuck " He groaned regretting last nights decisions  , 'why did i drink so much?' .He asked himself . He reached over to grab his phone damn it was already 11:00am thank God he didnt have practice today. flashbacks from last night were spiraling through his mind all he could think about was y/n . "should i call her?" he asked himself "fuck it ." he called her and waited in anticipation after a few rings someone picked up "Hello, who is this ?" a male voice questioned  "WHO IS THIS??isn't this y/n's number ?" He interrogated after a whole  debate on whether it was y/n's number or not between kylian and the man on the other end of the line He finally apprehended  that she gave him the wrong number .

  He just sat there in shook no one had ever done that to him before .He tried to go on with his day as per usual but all he could think of was y/n .After a while he got a call from his Agent/mom (Fayza Lamari) reminding  him about a charity event that he had to attend that evening held by the Blanc family .He got dressed swiftly and headed out.

He got dressed swiftly and headed out

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~Kylians outfit~

His friends yelled out his name as soon as he walked through the front door ,they all sat together and chatted for a while before the host approached them "Bonjour , je m'appelle Jonathan Blanc. Je suis tellement reconnaisant que vous ayez pris le temps de votre jornee pour etre ici "(Hello , I'm Jonathan Blanc ,I'm so grateful you took time out of your day to be here )the tall man with blonde hair introduced himself .They all shook hands and exchanged greeting then sat back down. Jonathan Excused himself , he left and returned holding  a girls hand ."Babe this is mbappe  the footballer im always talking about. " he explained to his girlfriend .Kylian turned his head   to face them , he stared at the girl  for a while it was y/n. Both their eyes widened  as they recognized each other ."Hey i'm y/n l/n  nice to meet you"   she said pretending not to know him . " I'm Kylian ,Kylian Mbappe " he played along  .After their conversation she left with her boyfriend kylian couldn't help but gawk at them ."Brother?? mhhh " he scoffed as he remembered the name on her phone yesterday that she claimed was her brother ."Why am i over thinking this??  we just hooked up once she means nothing to me ,fuck her" he convinced himself. He grasped him  glass tightly as he downed his drink .

   As soon as  he got home he phoned his ex girlfriend(Emma )to keep him company ,they cuddled all night and as he kissed her passionately he forgot all about y/n .

~y/n's pov ~

She still couldn't believe  that the man she was thinking about all night was right in front of her but she couldn't let Jonathan know about the events that occurred last night so she acted as if she didn't  recognize him and didnt acknowledge him  the whole night  .Her boyfriend dropped her off and when she got home she went on instagram to find his account she stalked him for hours until she dozed off.

can't seem to say goodbye~ Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now