The game

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"Get down here y/n we are going to be fucking late." Jonathan yelled." "Coming babe relax!" i yelled back. I got in the car and we sped off after about 30 minutes we arrived at our destination, a couple of days ago Jonathan got courtside seats to the lakers game it wasn't a big deal for him because he attends events like this  often he sometimes lets me tag along. We got to our seats before the game started and as expected the  place was packed .The gamewas going great and soon it was halftime  the players went into the locker rooms to strategize for the next half of the game .They turned on the celebrity camera and the first person on screen was Jonathan (famous movie director) , my jaw dropped when i saw  the next person on screen it was Kylian ."What the hell was he doing here ?" i asked myself .I decided to fully ignore him like last time but Jonathan thought other wise after the game ended  he violently grabbed my hand and practically dragged my towards Kylian.

   "Kylian we meet again I hope you still remember me "Jonathan said trying to start a conversation with him. "Of course not how could i forget the guy who hosted the most memorable charity event ever" kylian replied sarcastically .I just stood there  quietly  as they chatted away Jonathan asked Kylian to have dinner with us and i immediately gave Kylian a death stare and nodded my head  no , he looked me up and down then smiled "I would love to" he stated .My face turned pale ,i hope he doesn't say anything to Jonathan . we headed over to a popular Japanese  restaurant near by ,i sat next to Jonathan and Kylian sat across me. I excused myself  before the food arrived to  fix my makeup .Just as i finished my eyeliner and was about to leave Kylian walked into the girls bathroom ."Im genuinely curios  why would a girl in a relationship go around hooking up with strangers in a club? Is the sex that bad?" he questioned with a smug look on his face." That's none of your business." i responded .

The smile on his face dropped, he started walking toward me and backed me into the bathroom wall , "You want me don't you?" he questioned "no i do.......... he pressed his  warm lips against  mine  interrupting my statement ,the kiss was so electric that the hairs on my arms went erect .He lightly slide his tongue across my bottom lip. I drew a deep, staggered breath in response to the heat i felt flushing through me .He sucked my lips gently then dipped his tongue past my lips caressing  my tongue with his. I pulled back as i heard a knock on the bathroom door "baby are you okay?" Jonathan interrogated  . I pushed Kylian into a stall seconds before Jonathan walked through the door ."I'm ok honey  i just had a slight headache ." I said .

He walked up to me and placed his hand on my head to check if i had a fever ,I pulled Jonathan into a kiss as i saw kylians head peep through the stall's door ,i gestured him to leave quickly , he raced out the door before being noticed ."take off ur panties " Jonathan whispered into my ear , before i could process what he said he slid his hands under my dress ,took off my underwear and put it into his pocket ."We should head back Kylian is probably waiting". he stated .He left the bathroom and i quickly followed behind him and we sat down and started eating . Jonathan started eating with his fingers something he never does he then slipped his hands  under my dress again as he chatted to kylian about the champions league , he slowly stroked my pussy  .A shallow hum escaped from within me in response to how he was making me feel. I covered my mouth trying to contain my moans .He then withdrew his hands from under my dress and licked his fingers "The food here is so good." he said with a smile on his face. my cheeks turned red  and i  looked down and covered my face to cover the embarrassment that was evident .

A/n: damn this one was crazy lol i hope you enjoy it ........who do yall like better Jonathan or kylian ?

can't seem to say goodbye~ Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now