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Flufflysmutten, on AO3, Requested this. 

I know I said that this was done, but I decided to go through with the request.

J speaking is Underlined and /in slashes/

The picture is of my OC and of what Uzi and N's child will look like. (The purple strand is dyed)


----A Month Later----

[Uzi POV]

Today, I wake up feeling sick. This is the first night I've felt sick. I've been drinking oil, it may be from a can, but I don't think that matters. I'll ask V or J about that.

Walking to V, I notice J is with her and their both already awake, so is N. When they notice me, V says "You're finally awake. We've been waiting for you to wake up"

"..Why?... What's going on?"

/"We've noticed you've been acting off and suggest someone checks your systems."/

"We're worried about you. Especially since you've been oversleeping for the last week now"

I grab a can of oil, while thinking about it. They watch me, waiting for me to respond. It takes me about 30-40 minutes to finally respond to them. "Fine" is all I do respond with.

V grabs my free hand and drags me to a computer, ment to check systems. She plugs a wire into a port in my back, then checks my systems. She, J, and N all looks the screen that shows my systems. J notices something and points it out to N and V.

When N and V look at the code, it takes them a moment to process what it means. I look at the screen and notice it too. "Mater-nity systems active" N says slowing down half way through saying maternity, realizing what it means. He looks at me "You're expecting?". He's smiling, but clearly in shock by the news.

I stop drinking the oil, not even halfway finished with it. J speaks next, looking at me /"Drink more oil"/ she says, almost demanding, but it's clear that she's saying it in a caring way.

When I look at N, he's zoned out, probably trying to come to terms with the fact that he's gonna be a father.

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