Chapter 3

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Next morning Deepak was lying on the bed at his hotel with his thoughts lingering over Cindy: the way she talked, laughed and above all looked at him with those intense eyes. Somehow, it felt as if he couldn't live apart from her . He picked up his mobile and started texting her on fb messenger:

Deepak: Hi Cindy! How are you?

Cindy: Hey there, how's it going?

Deepak: I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I must admit, I have feelings for you.

Cindy: Deepak, you're an attractive young man, and I really appreciate our friendship. You are very helpful, but I have to be honest—I don't have any romantic feelings for you.

Deepak: Is it because of our cultural differences? I feel like they're a barrier between us. Right?

Cindy: It's not just that, Deepak. Our cultural differences can be a challenge, but the bigger issue is that I don't feel that romantic spark between us.

Deepak: I thought we had a great connection. You're an amazing person, and I thought our destiny has something for us. Otherwise we would not have met in the first place.

Cindy: It's not about you as a person or your cultural background. It's about how I feel personally. I can't force myself to have romantic feelings if they're not there. Hope you understand that.

Deepak:: Likewise, I can't help how I feel, Cindy. It's just that I am a different person and find it difficult to accept.

Cindy: I understand that this might be tough, and I value our friendship. But I believe it's essential to be honest about my feelings.

Deepak: I just wish things were different.

Cindy: I appreciate your understanding, Deepak. But it's not a strict 'No'. Let's continue to be friends and see where life or destiny as you call it takes us.

Deepak: So, are we meeting today?

Cindy: Oh yes! Can you find out someone who can explain Tantra to me? I mean some mystic or monk.

Deepak: Well, I can try and find out. But frankly I have just read "Panch Tantra" as far as "Tantra" is concerned.

Cindy replied with a smiley: Yes, I have read those stories. But you understand what I am looking for.

Deepak: No I do not understand what exactly you want. Is it just the curiosity that all foreigners have about Indian mysticism or something more?

Cindy: Well, let's meet around 1 PM and discuss it over lunch...

to be contd

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