Chapter Two: Bloodbath

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Even as Noctum's body hit the ground, both Misfortune and Metamorph had emerged from the mouth of the cave. Zachary's shape was a Minotaur, and Shaine welded a kunai attached to a long chain,

"I will make you pay!" They yelled in unison, readying for the battle,

The air was incredibly thick and cold, probably because of The Stranger's aura, but the enhanced blood cells that they possessed meant that the two fighters were unfazed,

"You are but pale imitations of the power of a God," Apis said darkly, "and for your transgressions against me, you two shall be the ones who pay,"

Zachary's massive fist rocketed towards Apis, who made no move to block or avoid the blow. It slammed into the space between his horns, failing to even make The Stranger flinch,

"Even with all of your might, you can not even faze me," The Stranger said, voice dripping with malice,

Shaine's kunai bounced off of the God, failing to scratch his broad back,

"Nobody here is even close to a challenge, how pathetic," Apis said slowly,

He swept his foot across the dirt, taking Zachary down with ease. Catching the kunai with an outstretched arm, he threw Shaine one arm, sending her flying into Uluru itself. With a sickening crunch, she ricocheted off of the rock, barely conscious and with a dislocated arm. Zachary tried to rise, but Apis pointed a finger at his chest,

"Pitiful," He remarked, firing a blot of red energy through the superhuman's chest,

Below the surface, Draedon was being physically restrained by Spirit,

"I've gotta go up there!" He roared, struggling against the magical bonds,

"No, you'll die," Spirit replied calmly, "and Insomniac will deal with Apis,"

"You don't understand what we're dealing with!" Lochlan exclaimed, "he broke Noctum's skin. He's gotta be the strongest being in the universe,"

"Let Insomniac fight him, then we'll see what we can do,"

Zavant tipped the third beer down his throat. His bug showed him everything that was happening at Uluru. He had seen The Stranger throw Noctum aside like a rag doll, he had seen Apis easily defeat the others as if they were mere insects,

"Gimme another," Zavant said, slamming down another hundred dollars, "the world's about to end, I might as well have another drink,"

"What's this about the world ending?" The bartender asked, 

"The alien on the news is strong enough to kill us all," Noctum Prime replied,

"Well, I might as well join you, then,"

The bartender grabbed himself a beer, sipping at the liquid,

"If we're all gonna die, I'm not going to worry about my job," He elaborated, 

"I hope like hell that we're gonna survive this," Zavant slurred, having taken in too much beer, "but I can't do anything about it,"

"You're the terrorist, right?" 

"I was, but only to stop him, I only did it to stop him," He repeated, alcohol seemingly taking over,

"I don't really care, mate," The bartender answered, "and you can stop pretending to be drunk,"

"Good observations," Adam acknowledged, sitting up at the bar stool,

"I wouldn't give up on the Protectors," The barman said, "they seem to know what they are doing,"

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