Chapter Four: Enemies Clash, Final Stand Against Noctum!

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Zavant knew that he could inform the Protectors about Samantha's plan, but he also knew that it was a long-shot, without enough substance to have it believed instantaneously. But he also knew, without a doubt, that if there was any chance of his belief being correct, he would have to put measures in place. He stormed toward the aircraft carrier in the American facility, boarding a jet while the crew watched on. Zavant made sure that the aircraft was ready for takeoff, then sat in the cockpit, watching the agents, bustling about. He thought to himself about a pressing concern for a second, before sighing to himself,

"Fuck it," he sighed, "I really need a drink,"

Despite his sobriety for the past decade, it was only two teleports later that Zavant found himself back in the plane, a large bottle of scotch clutched in his hand, as he navigated into the skies with his free hand. The plane took off with great speed, and Zavant felt the rush of adrenaline that he always felt when the ground beneath his feet disappeared. Why he was taking the plane, and not just teleporting, he didn't really know. Maybe it was because, the last time he had flown there, he had gone by plane. Maybe he thought of it as a good omen, since nobody before could find what he was looking for, he would need all the help he could get to find it. The artificial Chrysalis lay beyond the horizon, just waiting for Zavant to find it.

The tension between Samantha and Kinetic could have been sliced with a cleaver, Kinetic's black Aura had sprang to life, matching against Samantha's golden one. Neither was ready for a confrontation yet, and the fight between the two could have ended in the finality of the plan, but neither was willing to back down. Kinetic wanted Samantha dead immediately, he knew that she stood in his way of unlimited speed, but he did not strike because that could cause complications with Jones. Samantha wanted to strike, to stop Kinetic from being in her way, to show him that no matter how much he had on her, that she would still win, but she did not want to kill her half-brother, even if he was contemplating killing her. Samantha was so close to her plan, ten years in the making. She was not going to let anyone stop her from finally achieving her destiny, from slaying Noctum and finally...

'Do not fight,' the voice of God growled into their minds, 'if you do, you could both perish, and there would be nobody to carry on the mission,'

"You have been in contact with him," Samantha growled, "why would you betray me?"

'Betray you!' the voice roared, 'you have betrayed me! Why haven't you brought me the Chrysalis yet?"

"I am sorry, master," Samantha acknowledged, "I do not mean to be insolent,"

"And yet," Kinetic interjected, "I have come closer to bringing Noctum to his knees in the past hour than you have in a decade,"

'Enough! I do not care if you two battle, as long as the victor completes my plan!'

Kinetic zoomed off, leaving Samantha alone, standing atop a tall building and thinking, considering what to do. She was so incredibly pissed off that her plans were so heavily disrupted, but she didn't know how she would kill Kinetic. He was fast, and immune to blunt force, but her knives could kill him, if she could even use them. Then Samantha had an idea, a plan. She teleported up to Jones, gripping his unconscious form as she teleported him to the top of the ICBC,

"Jones," She said, shaking him awake, "I have healed your wounds, but I need your help,"

"You tried to kill me,"

"No, something went wrong with the procedure," Samantha bluffed, "but Kinetic has taken over my plans, we need to work together if you ever want to get to paradise,"

"Paradise?" Jones enquired,

"Paradise," Samantha answered, "the place you will go once my plans are complete,"

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