Chapter Nine: Ruin- Act Three

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Rage. That was the only way to describe Noctum now. All humanity was gone from his stance, replaced by burning aggression,

"Adam!" Zachary called, "Come down!"

Noctum ignored him, his gaze fixed on the three villains who stared back, fear and determination on their faces. There was no doubt about it, Noctum was ignoring Zachary,

"Listen to your friend, kid," Bjorn laughed, although his eyes were still full of fear, "come on down, and we'll give you an ass whooping!"

"You're the real Noctum, right?" A shout came from the Shoe,

Greiger emerged from the rubble, striding with such pent-up anger that even Noctum could not ignore him. The blazing eyes of the vigilante fell upon Greiger, and the wolf stared back, primal savegeary staring down godlike power,

"Where is my daughter?" Greiger asked,

Noctum did not respond, merely stared at Greiger with his overwhelming presence,

"Where!" Greiger shouted, his cry echoing throughout the square,

Greiger dropped to the ground, blood pouring from a gash in his forehead that was slowly closing. Noctum turned away from Greiger, ignoring him as his gaze once again fell upon the three villains,

"Look at me!" Greiger screamed, his face twisted with hatred, "you took my daughter!"

Noctum ignored Greiger, jumping to the ground in a swift movement. He began to trudge towards Bjorn's group, the fire that engulfed his eyes blazing the brightest red,

"Die!" Greiger shouted, lashing out at Noctum with his right fist,

Noctum's aura flared for a moment, and Greiger found himself without a right arm. He held in a scream of pain with gritted teeth and stood. Noctum had already walked right past him, heading straight for the three. A helicopter landed behind the villains, and they began to clamber on, turning their backs to Noctum,

"Adam, what the fuck?" Niamh shouted, "tell him that you didn't take his daughter!"

Noctum walked past the Protectors now, completely ignoring them. The High Priestess hopped from the cockpit, striding towards Noctum. The two looked to be on a collision course, but

"Noctum!" Greiger shouted, his voice breaking as he screamed, sprinting at the vigilante,

A look crossed Noctum's face. It was the look of finding something sticky on the bottom of your shoe. He tilted his head slightly, a bolt of aura shooting towards Greiger. The sickening sound of splitting flesh was drowned out by Greiger's shout of pain. His face was cracked down the middle, the attack having barely missed his brain. He struggled to hold the two pieces of his face together as the High Priestess stooped over his dying form,

"Please, mistress," Greiger begged, hanging on to life, "I don't want to die,"

The once powerful soldier was reduced to a blubbering wreck, begging from the cold, towering woman who refused to grant him sympathy,

"Save... my daughter," Greiger spoke, his voice devoid of any anguish, "and I will die with grace,"

"Imbecile," the High Priestess laughed, "you were so easy to manipulate, to convince. Surely you remember, your daughter died the same night as your wife,"

The wicked smirk on her face caused Greiger to thrash with rage. He reached up with both hands, trying to claw her eyes from her face. She summoned knives from thin air, pinning Greiger's hands to the road with her wicked blades,

"Noctum!" Greiger shouted, tears running down his face, "Stop her!"

Adam did not acknowledge Greiger, and the others watched in disbelief as the High Priestess strode right past him, back into the cockpit. Only then did the vigilante move. He shifted his centre of gravity, crouching, his eyes fixed on the helicopter, waiting for something,

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