Chap2 "A really annoying Senpai"

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- Um, Kyryun, I have something I need to... uh, tell you.

I stuttered, my voice shaking like a leaf in the wind.

She raised an eyebrow expectantly, as if she already knew what he was about to say.

- Yeah? Go ahead, Cid. "I'm listening," he said, flashing an intriguing smile.

I scratched my head, feeling like a kid stuck with his hand in the cookie.

- It's just that, uh, I think you're very pretty and... MM-I W-I'd like us to go out together. Would you go out with me?! -

I stammered, and as if I were acting in a play, I bowed exaggeratedly, expecting a response that would probably be a polite rejection.

But to my utter disbelief, instead of rejecting me, she smiled mysteriously and said:

- I accept your offer, Kagenou. Let's go to a cafeteria.




One moment...




So there I was, trapped in an absurd situation that I had not even imagined in my worst nightmares. How the hell had it come to this? My perfectly laid out plan to get rejected had failed miserably, and now I was literally being dragged by the arm into a coffee shop by a girl I barely knew!!!

As I tried to process what was happening, my mind wandered between two equally terrible possibilities. The first was that this woman was completely crazy, a choice that made more and more sense as we moved towards the cafeteria. The second option, and perhaps the scariest, was that she wanted to treat me like a slave, like her personal human dog. A relationship of domination that I could not have imagined in my worst nightmares.

"No, it can't be real," I told myself, trying to convince myself that this was all just a vivid dream brought on by my lack of sleep the night before. "I'm having hallucinations from lack of sleep, that's all," I told myself over and over again.

But then, Kiryuin's voice broke my thoughts.

-I said I accepted your proposal

He said with a playful smile that made my blood run cold.

My hopes that this was all an illusion vanished into thin air. Kiryuin had an expression that was too real to be a figment of my imagination. And before he could try to escape his grasp, he determinedly dragged me towards the cafeteria, completely ignoring my attempts at resistance.

To make matters worse, I could hear Ike and Yamauchi's voices from the nearby bushes.

-Damn lucky.

Ike muttered, evidently frustrated that I, of all people, had gotten a girlfriend, even though he clearly didn't know the truth behind this strange "relationship."

On the other hand, Yamauchi only seemed to be jealous of the attention he was receiving, making snide comments from his tree hiding place.

-Damn idiots, can't you see that I'm being dragged to my doom here?

I thought desperately, internally begging for some kind of help as Kiryuin continued to drag me towards our destination.


Fuka had dragged me to the cafeteria, and my mind was racing, desperately trying to find a graceful, non-confrontational way out of this awkward situation. He was about to formulate a clever excuse.

The Shadow Connection: Meeting of OppositesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz