Chap4 "The heroic extortion?"

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But suddenly, a mischievous idea crossed my mind. Why not take advantage of the technology the school provided us to earn some private points?

My eyes fell on the mask and hoodie that sat on my desk, waiting to be used for some clandestine purpose.

I decided to venture outside, take advantage of the darkness of the night and explore the less lit corners of the city.

Who knows, maybe he would find something interesting and, in the process, he could blackmail someone to earn a few extra points.

I prepared myself meticulously, putting on my mask and hoodie to conceal my identity. With the school-issued phone in hand, ready to record any compromising situation, I stepped into the shadows, moving stealthily so that no one could notice my presence.

My steps took me towards a dimly lit area where there seemed to be a commotion.

Screams of pain echoed through the air, drawing my attention like a magnet. Following the sound, I agilely climbed a nearby tree, looking for a safe and discreet position from which I could observe what was happening.

That's when I saw a magenta-haired boy violently hitting another student. My eyes widened, realizing that this was the perfect opportunity to obtain incriminating material and score some private points.

I turned on the phone recorder, ready to capture every detail of the scene before my eyes.


Staying hidden in the shadows, I watched intently as the magenta-haired boy continued his merciless attack on the other student, finally leaving him unconscious on the ground.

It was the perfect time for my heroic entrance, a chance to show that, despite all the shit with Fuka, I can hold my own.

With silent determination, I slid down from the tree I was on, landing gracefully on the ground.

I crept closer to my target, taking advantage of every shadow to hide my presence. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I prepared to intervene.

The question of whether I should do a scene didn't even cross my mind. The answer was clearly yes. I decided it was time to put an end to this situation and earn some private points for myself in the process.

I began to clap slowly, as if I were congratulating a player in a game he had just won.

My applause echoed in the silence of the night, interrupting the sadistic laughter of the magenta-haired boy. He turned to me with an expression of confusion and contempt on his face.

- "What are you? Some kind of clown?" she scoffed, laughing scornfully. "Kukuku, are you so scared that you don't want to show your face?"

I smiled under my mask, keeping my identity hidden as I faced the bully.

- "Clown or not, what you're doing isn't funny at all," I responded, my voice firm and confident. "I think it's time for you to say goodbye to your ridiculous actions and learn some lessons about respect."

-And how are you going to do it by throwing water in my eyes? or better put a pie in my face, as a joke.

The magenta-haired boy's mocking laughter rang through the air as he mocked my attempt to confront him.

Their disdain only fueled my determination to put an end to this situation. I couldn't let his threats intimidate me; It was time to act shrewdly and strategically.

I calmly held up the school phone, showing him the recording I had captured of him hitting the student. Her laughter gradually faded as she realized the severity of the evidence against him.

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