"The Fable of the Artist and the Hermit."

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- Kadomi Household -
(Hanae's POV)
{Hanae, Hikaru, Umari, Tekaru, Saruko}

"DADDDD Tekaru just threw all my clothes on the floor!!"

"Because you were annoying!!!!!"

I was sitting in the living room on the couch, my younger siblings were arguing upstairs, I had the tv blaring in front of me.

"Tekaru! How many times do I have to tell you! Your grandparents are coming soon and the house needs to be clean."

"Honey, the house doesn't need to be perfectly spotless for your parents."

"Your right Saruko. I just want them to see how well we're doing."

"I understand dear. Hanae, please turn that off. Your grandparents will be here soon."

I rolled my eyes and turned off the tv.

"It's not like I care that their coming anyways. They hardly even visit."

"Don't say that. You should be grateful you know your grandparents, I didn't even know my actual parents."

"See? I'm not even blood related to them! There my step grandparents!"

"Hanae Kadomi! We don't speak like that in this household! Apologize and then please go to your room!"

I rolled my eyes again, my parents were so frustrating at times!

"Hey, Saru. That's a bit harsh? Hanae, please tell me and I won't be offended. Why do you hate your grandparents so much?"

Why did I hate them..?

"Because. You never tell us anything about them! You say that they always had 'such a bad life' bla bla bla but you never tell us anything.."

"I see.. hm. How about we change that today then? How about you ask your grandparents how they met then maybe you won't hate them as much."

"Yeah.. sure fine, whatever."

{Hanae, Mizuki, Ena, Hikaru}

I sat in the living room with my dad and grandparents.

"You dad told us you wanna know how me met them huh?"


"What about some stories as well?" Grandma smiled, Big and wide on her wrinkly face.

"Sure, I don't really care. This is more of a punishment for me."

The slap came hard, it stung. For an old lady, Grandma ena could hit hard.

"Stories from your grandparents are never a punishment!"

I held my stinging face, I could feel the coolness of my hands on the red cheek.

"Ena! You can't hit our granddaughter!"

Dad laughed a little, "you always were the strict one mom."

"Haha. Mizu was always too soft on you! Hey, stop smiling you know I'm right!"

Mizuki smiled, giggling slightly almost as if they were a little kid again.

"Hey now, on with the story am I right!!"

- Middle School -
(Past Mizuki's POV)
{Mizuki, Rui, Nene}


"Rui-kun! Rui-kun!!" I saw my friend rui sitting with a girl in my school, Nene Kusa-something I forgot her name which was upsetting.

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