A Feeling Heart

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In the tapestry of my existence, a void resides, a piece amiss, Forever lost, forever gone, A puzzle incomplete, a mournful song through the passage of time, I searched in vain. For that missing fragment, a constant pain, A void that lingers, an empty space, a haunting reminder, a sorrowful embrace-oh, how I yearn for that missing part. To fill the void, to heal my heart, but alas, it eludes my grasp.

A piece forever lost, a lifetime's worth, yet I shall carry on, with hope in my stride. Embracing the void, where secrets reside, in this absence, I find In my endeavors, I strive to mold, shape, and adjust, as I am told. But alas, my efforts may fall short. As I attempt to fit, I distort. I yearn to blend, to seamlessly merge, to conform and adapt, and to submerge. Yet, despite my best intentions, I find that my endeavors may not align.

In this realm of beings and objects, a tapestry of life unfolds. Interwoven threads of existence, where stories are told. People with hearts that beat and minds that wander freely each have a unique melody. In my heart's depths, forever dwell. I feel strong, and I know so well. It lingers on; it won't depart. This sentiment is in my heart. Through days and nights, it does persist. A constant presence, I can't resist No matter where my path may lead, this emotion takes the lead. In soft whispers, they speak of a tale, of words that dance upon the wind's trail. Perhaps they ponder; this is what they say: in riddles veiled, as night turns to day. In the vast expanse of cosmic grace, our world finds its sacred place.

A tapestry of stars, so grand and wide, where dreams and wonders coincide In this realm of boundless scope, our existence finds In the realm of eternity's embrace, there is a sacred space adorned with grace. A sanctuary where time's current soars and where your essence dwells forevermore. No mortal claim can this realm defy, for it is yours beyond the sky. In the tapestry of cosmic design, this cherished space is eternal.

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