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A force so great that it engulfs everything. Its reach is unbounded. It encompasses every nook and cranny. A burden on the heart, tears that never seem to stop. It devours and consumes, leaving no room for happy hours. Grief, a fierce and wild tempest, leaves no room for a gentle smile. Its presence, a constant reminder, a pervasive essence—it does abide, casting a gray and wide shadow. Life's every corner; it does embrace a somber hue in every space.

A poignant truth, forever near, all we cherish and hold dear shall fade away, like a fleeting dawn. Inevitably, they will be gone. Time's embrace, relentless and true, ensnares us all, both me and you. No matter how we strive and yearn for life's embrace, we will all turn. This bittersweet reminder is clear: that nothing lasts nor lingers here.

Each cherished soul and each treasured thing will vanish like a bird on a wing. Yet in this dance of ebb and flow, a lesson lies for us to know: to cherish deeply and love with might. Embrace the day, both dark and bright. For in realms of sorrow, souls reside, where grief's heavy burden they confide. For those who bear this weight so deeply, love's flame within them fiercely leaps. Intensity is unmatched; their hearts do hold fervent love, a tale untold.

Through trials endured, their spirits rose. In grief's embrace, love's beauty lies. Oh, the ones who know this sacred art, to love with fervor from the depths of hearts. In sorrow's realm, they find their way, and love's brilliance is proudly displayed. In their hearts, wisdom does reside. grasp of truth, they cannot hide. For they have felt the ache, the sorrow, of bidding farewell, a soul to borrow.

A unique understanding they possess of what's at stake in life's grand chess The agony and pain of letting go of someone have grown in their hearts. Through the depths of their empathy, a treasure born from agony through trials endured, they have learned that the cost of love has burned bridges. With knowing eyes, they see the truth—the weight of loss, the bittersweet proof.

In their journey, they have found the essence of letting go, unbound. So let us honor their sacred plight. Their tender souls are shining so brightly. They have walked. In their mind's eye, the little things reside—a knack for remembering, a gift they confide in. When moments of import beckon, they heed the call, always coming through and never letting us fall. In the realm of existence, they perceive life's rarity, a truth they do believe.

Awareness dawns, a precious gift bestowed; a profound truth; in their hearts, it's sown. For life, a fleeting spark in the cosmic vast is a wondrous rarity, destined not to last. They ponder and marvel at its fragile grace. They stand in awe as a result of its embrace. With eyes wide, there is no need to speak it loud and clear. For your words, I do hear them. Implicitly, they dance and sway in the realm of unspoken display.

There is no need for overt declaration in this realm of subtle creation. The unsaid whispers in the air—a poetic dance we both share. There is no need for an explicit decree. I can see the truth. In the silence, our hearts align. A language beyond words is divine. No need In the realm of hearts that bear the weight of loss, there is wisdom, a treasure untold. For those who've tasted sorrow's bitter cost, hold a deeper love, a story to unfold. Do not dismiss their worth or their sacred grace, for in their souls, truth does reside.

Through sacrifice and love's essence, they embrace a profound understanding that they can't hide. In the tapestry of life, they've walked the path where shadows dance and tears freely flow. Their hearts, once shattered, now bear love's aftermath, a testament to the strength they've come to know. So, do not underestimate their worth. These souls who've known love's demanding toll For in their depths, wisdom does unearth, a precious insight, a poet's soul.

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