False Sense

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I attempted to love you, pouring all my efforts into presenting you with the most wholesome version of myself. But alas, it seems my endeavors were in vain. In the midst of all my trials and tribulations, you treated me as a mere source of amusement, distorting the truth and offering empty promises of comfort. In the depths of my despair, I clung to you as though I were unworthy, unaware of the pain you would inflict upon my fragile mind, body, and soul.

I foolishly clung to the false hope that you were meant for me, only to realize my own ignorance. You were always there for them, even when I was present. Proximity fails to halt anything. Even when I poured my heart and soul into loving you unconditionally, I witnessed you through a lens of loneliness that no one else had ever dared to explore.

I was once your unwavering pillar of support, faithfully standing by your side through every trial and tribulation, eagerly awaiting the challenges that lay ahead. But, alas, I suppose I received what I deserved. I bestowed upon you my love, only to receive in return a cruel offering—a heightened state of anguish within my heart and shattered faith—and I foolishly placed my trust in you.

I foolishly clung to the hope of our connection; I yearned for your presence. I longed for you to match the intensity of my battle for our relationship.

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