Spoiler Free FNaF Movie Review

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Tonight I watched the FNaF movie, a movie I've been waiting for since 2015 like the rest of the veteran fans. I had high expectations given the long wait and the passion that went into creating it and I must say that they were achieved.

The robots are great and the story is really well written, nothing too complex for a casual viewer and not too simple for hardcore fans.

The presence of some references to YouTubers, other games, books, and old hoaxes created by the fandom are not factors that are particularly annoying since they are present for a few seconds each.

All the actors were fantastic in their roles, and the people inside the animatronic costumes were believable the entire time.

The relationships between the characters and how they evolve over the course of just under 2 hours of film is very beautiful.

Overall, an excellent product that should be able to make all parties happy without overshadowing the fandom. If you are curious, I encourage you to go and see it because it is a film that deserves a lot; definitely a film that I will go to see several times with different friends.

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