zhi fang [LMK]

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name: zhi fang, the ghostly groom

alignment: lawful good

species: mystic monkey

age: >100 (real age forgotten)

birthday: oct. 16th

status: deceased

gender: male, he/it

sexuality: homoromantic, homosexual

description: a weeping mess. zhi fang is a rather isolated individual, finding comfort in being a timid monkey. some might characterize him as gloomy- always moping around and complaining about what he used to be. other than complaining and moping, he is a harmless and friendly spirit, holding immense care for whoever succeeds at befriending him.

his body is translucent, and he wears a white tuxedo, wrist shackles with broken chains covering the cuffs of his suit. a white rose is nestled in his black hair, a ruffled mess that trails down his back below his shoulder blades. a white wedding veil, suspended over his face by a bridal headpiece made from bone and adorned with smaller white flowers, completely masks his features. his fur & skin are completely white, and his tail curled up against his back, hidden by the flaps of his tuxedo.


aiding companions - zhi fang can summon small, wispy white spirits to assist him whenever, wherever.

solidification - since ghosts have the ability of walking through walls and being overall see-through, zhi fang can solidify himself to nullify these translucent abilities.

he can be seen by anyone, despite being a ghost.

zhi fang can manipulate objects around him through telekinesis.

he can possess living beings through telepathic manipulation.

as a ghost, he can levitate and fly around.

weapons: a hulusi
how it works; every song and note played can change the hulusi's attacks. they can have healing properties, defensive properties or offensive properties.

to heal, zhi fang plays calm/soothing melodies to someone else's wounds. [ he cannot heal himself ]to shield , zhi fang releases long, sturdy notes to form a protective illusion shield. to attack, zhi fang releases quick and high notes which summon ghost-like chains, homing in on the enemy and striking like whips.

the hulusi can be used normally. he likes playing a melody that he used to when he was alive. it's the only core memory he has left.

relations: his long dead mortal fiancee.

likes: scented candles, music (of course), candy floss (recent discovery...), white roses, kids, warmth.

dislikes: the cold (which is quite unfortunate seeing as he's always cold), bugs.

strengths: enhanced perception, overall wise.

weaknesses: his weapon makes it somewhat hard to move around, restricting some of his movements as he is focused on playing.

any sacred objects (eg. crucifix) can weaken his overall strengths. although choosing to appear friendly and harmless, he is still a spirit of evil nature.

background: once a great warrior, his biggest fall from grace was when he fell in love with a mortal man. many weren't as accepting as the monkey thought they would be about their relationship- citizens and warriors alike judging the warrior from afar. however, zhi fang wouldn't let the others have him and his lover in a sorrowed state so quickly. who could have known that exactly on their wedding day, the warrior was destined to leave the realm of the living, and join the afterlife?

zhi fang's assassination is often regarded as one of the cruelest in history.

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