balam, the doll-maker [N/A]

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name: balam (last name not assigned)

alignment: lawful/neutral evil

species: enigma (part doll..?)

age: unknown, but when asked, varies from numbers between 19 and 27

birthday: jn. 6

status: thriving

gender: genderfluid (ask pronouns)

sexuality: acoromantic, omnisexual

description: dedicated to their craft, balam can be described as patient, diligent, and- above all else- compassionate. fully aware of the negative stigmas surrounding their hobbies, they do their best to maintain an open heart to assist others in developing an open mind. no matter the ridicule they face, they refuse to take much of it personally- after all, a single glance at their finished products is typically enough to make any ridiculer's mood do a complete 180, thanks to their immense natural talent and tireless practice in mastering the art of Doll-making.
they need to get out more. after all, Doll-making is all they do.

hm? you know what i look like already.


play pretend - Balam's innate Doll-making talent is not natural.
Balam possesses the anomalous ability to surgically transform any object- biological or otherwise- into a doll. This ability has notable limitations; for example, when transforming other biological entities, they must first figure out a way to sedate and subdue said entities before commencing the surgical transformation. This surgery is somehow never fatal, no matter outwardly gruesome or excruciating it may be for the victim. 

"I won't forget you, at least." - Upon surgically transforming another biological entity, their memory is wiped and their previous consciousness is stored within Balam's mind. At any time, they can read through the victim's memories and perfectly mimic their personality and voice to a tee, useful for scenarios where Balam's face is not visible or when disguised as a doll (see below). The victim, while conscious, has an entirely new personality, the traits of which- while varied- are always kept suitably mild.

Expertise - Balam is capable of appearing entirely similar to a typical, lifeless porcelain doll due to the nature of their skin and their anomalous lack of need to breathe or blink. Within their own territories, where dolls are found around every corner, this allows them to hide in plain sight.

weapons: standard surgical kit, abundance of sedatives (painkillers not included)

relations: to consider their dolls "friends" or "family" would be farfetched, given how many they have created. balam, of course, considers them all family regardless, and remembers the names of all of them.

likes: dolls, teaching others how to be Doll-makers, the research and discussion of Anton LaVey, the taste and scent of grape-flavored medicine (physically incapable of overdosing!)

dislikes: the process of Doll-making, willful ignorance, acting as a therapist/trauma dumping, catholicism

hates: rosemary. everything about it

strengths: incredibly charismatic with a presence that seems to automatically soothe those around them. expert on human anatomy. while undoubtedly demented to an extent, still reasonable and incredibly loyal. balam does not befriend *everyone* for the sole purpose of turning them into a doll/Doll-maker. while rare, they can genuinely enjoy the presence of others. immune to all poisons, sedatives, suffocation, or any chemical means of assault.

weaknesses: physically unremarkable, lacking in durability compared to many others, mostly stealth-reliant, depending on fast movements, quick wit and trickery to avoid discovery and capture/execution.

background: often told as a way to pass the time during the process of Doll-making (the victim is kept entirely conscious).
Stick around and find out.

strangely enough, many of balam's victims tend to be those with active imagination & open minds, while those they attempt to convert into Doll-makers are the exact opposite- utterly lacking in creativeness and rather judgmental.

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