nina yaccarino [N/A]

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TW: mentions of organ trafficking, implied child abuse

name: nina yaccarino

alignment: neutral evil

species: human

age: 37 (physically 23)

birthday: sep. 27

status: alive

gender: female (she/her pronouns)

sexuality: panromantic and greysexual

description: a quiet, intelligent woman with a neat, tidy appearance. with a highly respectable job as a forensic pathologist at the local grand willow medical center and a polite (if not slightly distant) personality, nina is looked upon by all her friends and co-workers as a reliable source of guidance, both in regards to work environment and everyday life. nina is often seen after work shopping for pastries or carrying carefully tarp-wrapped metal buckets to her modest little apartment.
beneath her veil of secrecy lies the sociopathic, criminal half to nina's life, wherein she utilizes her position as forensic pathologist as well as her supernatural abilities to supply trafficking rings with fresh organs for her own profit.

nina is a conventionally beautiful woman with dark skin and long, fluffy chocolate-brown hair, usually tied into a braid and allowed to rest on her shoulder, tied together with a baby blue Satin bow. her sense of style varies, but her typical attire involves vests pulled over turtleneck sweaters, vests usually darker and sweaters usually lighter. her eyes share the same color as her hair, but many note that they "lack life".


keep a secret - nina possesses the anomalous ability to erase her own existence to any extent from absolutely any point in history- whether erasing the last few moments of her life to rid herself of any injury, erasing her involvement in any activity (which is how she's a successful organ trafficker despite how she would be a top suspect in organs magically going missing from human corpses in the hospital), or erasing someone's knowledge of her existence entirely. if erasing herself from a moment in history, nobody but nina herself will be able to recall her involvement in any activities from said moment in history.

Get up. - nina's time manipulating capabilities come into full swing following her death. so long as she is at least the slightest bit aware of her oncoming demise, once killed, time will loop backwards to the beginning of the day, exactly when nina had woken up. nobody but nina will recognize these time loops. time will loop back even if nina has the faintest suspicion of her death being a possibility at the present moment. thus, killing nina is extremely difficult as it involves catching her entirely off guard.

"you haven't aged a day!" - due to the history erasure involving Keep a Secret, nina's biology is constantly reverted to her healthiest state; to when she was 23 years old. due to this, nina is biologically immortal and cannot die unless killed via aforementioned means.

weapons: preferred weapon of assassination is a standard silence fnx-45 sidearm. when killing patients, overdosing on their respective prescription

relations: nina has no close friends and no family. any relations she might have hardly stretch beyond "friendly acquaintances".

likes: pastel colors, dairy products, pastries, birds of prey, discussing the potential existence of magic (she gets a bit of a kick out of it; she knows it's real, after all)

dislikes: religious topics, mayonnaise, news stories related to child abuse/neglect, the scent, taste, and color of lavender

strengths: highly intelligent, granted almost supreme authority over every situation due to her puppet-master-like abilities. nina has strong maternal urges and is extremely protective of young children, even those she is not familiar with. this bit of morality not only helps her maintain a facade of trustworthiness, but also helps to keep her sane.

weaknesses: as someone who essentially controls the world around her in the shadows, nina is incredibly lonely, struggling to form any meaningful lasting relationships due to her poor mental health. aside from her abilities and vast intellect, nina is physically a completely ordinary human with no remarkable capabilities to speak of.

background: to be modified to meet sfw standards

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