kutannoo [TADC]

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name: kutannoo, the voodoo doll

alignment: chaotic neutral

species: unknown. sentient version of a typically inanimate object.

age: 98

birthday: april 24

status: living? no biological functions, but sentience is present

gender: n/a (she/it pronouns).

sexuality: panromantic and asexual

description: a little on the creepy side, but all kutannoo wants to do is hug! kutannoo is a hilarious comedian, always ready to welcome new friends, family and food with open arms, and is an inspiration to many- determined and steadfast in accomplishing her goals. you, too, can have your very own child appropriate voodoo doll. instead of using her for diabolical, horrific, not-so-child-friendly schemes, kutannoo can be used to wish good fortune upon whoever you wish. gifts, friendship, love- the only limit is whether or not kutannoo gives you permission.


kutannoo is completely unaffected by sharp objects such as knives, pins and razorblades in the sense that she feels absolutely no pain when struck or pierced by them (her body can still be damaged by them, though).

due to being almost completely weightless, kutannoo is extremely nimble and flexible.

weapons: kutannoo can rip the pin imbedded in her head from her body and is considerably skilled in using it in a fashion akin to a spear.

relations: all her fellow circusgoers- she's quite fond of gangle especially.

likes: practical jokes, making people laugh and smile, bumpy fabric, sharp objects, meat

dislikes: flames, wild accusations, violence, lack of courtesy (say please and thank you!)

strengths: very determined and persistent, with the agility and combat prowess to back it up!

weaknesses: kutannoo is very flammable, made entirely of fabric. she was also sewn together, meaning she's completely full of stuffing, and we all know how fragile dolls like her can be.

background: kutannoo was the first member of the circus, contained within long before any of her fellow circusgoers. odd part is, though; not even caine seems to have a solid understanding of where the hell she came from. when asked about how she wound up in the circus, she always makes sure to include having "put on a headset", but the events leading up to her doing so always seem to differ...

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