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The young people did not have a specific destination, so they just rode around the city, gradually moving away from it.
Zayn was silent most of the time, only occasionally briefly answering Marston's questions or smiling at his jokes.
- What's wrong with you, Zayn? Did Daddy punish you? - Arthur laughed with his own joke, turning onto one of the already half-empty tracks.
- Arthur, please, let's not make these jokes today, - Malik looked at his boyfriend, pursing his lips, - I just don't have the mood today, when I was in the office...
- Stop whining, Zayn, - Arthur interrupted the mulatto sharply, slightly speeding up, because the complete absence of passing cars allowed me to do this, - I'm already tired of this, almost every time we meet you whine and pour out your soul to me. Am I a psychologist?
Arthur pressed harder on the gas pedal of his car with each word, squeezing the steering wheel. Zayn shrank into the chair and squeezed his sides, quietly asking Marston to slow down.
- What are you saying, Zaini? Speed up? Okay, honey, whatever you say, - Arthur smiled and pressed the pedal almost to the floor, which made Malik practically scream in horror.
Although Zayn was not in the car with his parents at the time of the accident that claimed their lives, he still became terribly afraid of speed. He was able to cope with the fear of ordinary driving and even got behind the wheel himself, but high speed still caused panic and hysteria, automatically moving him on the day of the tragedy.
Begging Arthur to stop the car, Zayn didn't even notice the tears running down his own cheeks. He just wanted to be at home at his easel or in front of the TV with Liam, but not here, not in a speeding car on a dark highway.
Noticing the young man's tears, Marston slowed down and, turning around, drove to Malik's house. He was silent all the way, but as soon as the car pulled up to the entrance to the territory of the high-rise building, Arthur turned to Zayn and chuckled, looking straight into his eyes:
- I started a relationship with you for the sake of good sex and having fun, but all you do is whine. It's over between us, Malik, stay alone with your whining and jealous daddy.
Zayn got out, no, rather flew out of his ex-boyfriend's car and ran into the entrance, calling the elevator. He did not remember getting up, did not remember opening the door and entering the apartment, but he clearly remembered how he immediately threw the keys on the floor next to him at the entrance and rolled down the wall, hugging his knees and crying. He did not cry from the fact that he had just been abandoned, because he did not love and was not loved in this relationship, did not cry from the words Arthur said. Fright and hysteria covered the young man with his head, because only now the adrenaline that hit his head at the moment of what was happening in the car retreated and left room only for panic and tears.
Hearing a noise in the hallway, Liam realized that Zayn had returned home, and was about to start setting the table to have dinner together, but the crying coming from there abruptly changed the man's plans. He came out of the kitchen and, seeing Zayn crying and sitting on the floor, as if in an instant he was kneeling next to him.
- Zayn? What happened? - Liam anxiously lifted Malik's head, holding his chin with his fingers, but without waiting for an answer to his question, he picked him up and carried him to the younger's bedroom, putting the latter on the bed.
- Arthur, - Zayn said a few minutes later, which made Payne frown, but the elder did not want to show his negativity now, because Malik's condition was a priority.
- What did he do, baby? - the brown-haired man asked quietly, gently pressing the younger to himself. In turn, Zayn buried his nose in the curve of his neck, periodically sobbing and shuddering at the same moments.
After a few more minutes, having almost calmed down, the young man told about the incident that happened to his ex-boyfriend, which made Liam tense up and hold the younger one closer to him. He didn't want to tell the brunette that he would definitely kill Marston for what he had done, because he knew perfectly well that Malik would be against the elder's interference in this. Therefore, now Liam could only stroke the back of the guy lying next to him, burying his nose in the top of his head and periodically leaving weightless kisses there.
- Can you sleep with me tonight, please? - Zayn raised himself a little on his hands to look into Payne's eyes, and he only nodded, agreeing to the younger's request, realizing that it would not be possible to feed the young man dinner today.
Getting out of bed, Zayn stripped down to his underwear, not bothering to hang things neatly in the dressing room, and got into bed, wrapping himself in a blanket. Payne, in turn, did the same and, finding himself under the same blanket with the mulatto, again pressed him tightly to himself, making him feel protected. And Zayn felt it.
Liam stared at the ceiling for a long time, thinking about what the younger one had told him. Even when Zayn was already quietly sprinkling on his shoulder, Payne did not stop stroking his back and thinking. He didn't understand at all how it was possible to harm a man like Zayn. After all, despite his sometimes harmful nature, Malik was very kind, friendly, gentle and affectionate to everyone.
Liam's thoughts were interrupted by a vibration coming from Zayn's phone lying on the bedside table. Standing up, the man saw that the caller was Arthur, and immediately frowned. Carefully shifting the young man on the pillows, Payne took the phone and left the bedroom, going to his room.
- What do you need, Arthur? - Liam tried to keep his voice down, but no less threatening. He was ready to get in the car right now, drive to Marston's house and smash him into small pieces, just to get him behind Zayn.
- Oh, jealous daddy, can I hear Zayn? We misunderstood each other in the evening - Arthur didn't care about Malik's emotional state, he never loved him, never felt anything more than just sexual attraction to him.
- No, you won't be able to hear it now, or ever again. Between you, on your own initiative, everything was over, you have nothing more to do in his life, - with these words, not wanting to hear the voice of this nasty, according to Payne, young man, the man dropped the call and was about to return to his boy to continue guarding his sleep. But when he turned around, he saw Zayn standing in the doorway, wrapped in a blanket and looking right at him.
Liam bit his lip guiltily, knowing that now Malik would definitely get angry that the brown-haired man dared to get into things that he was not asked to. But to the surprise of the elder, the mulatto only approached him and hugged him tightly again, wanting to snuggle as close as possible. At this moment, Payne threw the younger's phone on the bed, hugging him tightly in response, without saying a word, only burying his head again and leaving a couple of kisses on it. The brown-haired man understood that words would be superfluous now, that his gentle boy now needs only strong hugs and the presence of the elder next to him. Therefore, carefully lifting Zayn in his arms, Liam put him already on his bed and lay down next to him, not letting go of his strong embrace even for a second. When the guy fell asleep, Liam continued to hug him, thinking about everything for a long time, until he fell asleep himself.

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