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- What the hell is Zayn? Why didn't you bring your phone with you? Could you at least leave a note? Why did you leave at all?
Literally from the threshold, Liam pounced on the young man with questions. He was angry, but he tried very hard to speak as gently as possible to the younger, barely restraining himself.
When he woke up, he did not find Malik next to him in bed, but he thought that the young man had just got up earlier and was already busy with his own affairs. However, Zayn was neither in the house nor in the yard, at the last moment Liam noticed that the car was not in the usual place either.
- I just wanted to go for a ride. Are you going to lock me up at home now, Daddy? - with a certain coldness and detachment, the young man said unexpectedly to himself.
Zayn squeezed his eyes shut as he passed the older one. He was incredibly disgusted with himself and his behavior. He didn't want to be rude, didn't want to show his confusion to Liam. He simply didn't know what to do.
Going into the kitchen, Malik turned on the coffee machine, burning with the desire to drink a double espresso.
- What's wrong, Zayn? - Liam followed him into the kitchen, stopping next to the archway, leaning his back against the wall and carefully watching the younger one.
The question is unanswered. Zayn is just silent, although inside he is literally torn apart from emotions, from being lost in thoughts.
- Zayn, - Liam comes closer and takes the guy by the hand, turning him around to face him, - What the fuck is going on?
The sound of breaking glass. Malik deliberately drops another empty cup on the floor, again ignoring the elder's question. He would be happy to answer, but what should he answer? "I'm sorry, Liam, I'm confused about whether it was right to have sex with you?" or "I don't know what's going on, it's just that after having sex with you, I feel swept away and I don't know what will happen next." Zayn was annoyed by everything now: the coffee machine that was noisy during work, which he turned on himself, Liam standing next to him and looking at him warily, and most importantly himself. He annoyed himself.
The sound of breaking glass again. Another broken cup. Shocked and at the same time concerned about what is happening, Payne. And Zayn, just Zayn who's not understanding his own actions.
- I really want to go home, please take me.
The road back to the city passed in complete silence, Liam only occasionally glanced at the young man, who thoughtlessly looked out of the window throughout the journey.
Once in the apartment, Zayn immediately went to his room, locking the door behind him. He only knew one thing for sure - now he wants to be completely alone. After changing into the first T-shirt and sweatpants he came across, Malik installed a blank canvas on his easel and took all the necessary accessories for drawing. Having squeezed out the necessary colors into the palette, the mulatto simply drove his brushes on the canvas, without having any specific idea. It was the easiest way for him to let out all his emotions. So he could show himself without words what was going on in his head. Zayn didn't know how much time he spent in front of the easel, but it was clear from the view from the window that the time had long passed midnight.
Smear by smear, and a dark forest was already looming, at the foot of which was a small lake of pale blue color. Rare rosehip bushes that framed the water surface. The silhouette of a man. According to the drawing, it was still unclear who it was. However, Zayn himself knew perfectly well who he was portraying. Liam. Again, he put Liam Payne in his work. A man, which at the same time makes his heart flutter in love in his chest and fill his thoughts with a cloud of doubts about everything that is happening.
Towards morning, Zayn finished. Finally, he released all the emotions into his painting, which he was now looking at with delight. While writing it, Zayn thought about a lot. He realized that it was definitely worth talking to Liam, because this is the only way Malik will be able to understand the situation and find out what Payne thinks about everything that is happening.
Having washed off the paint and put on a loose T-shirt, the mulatto left his bedroom to pick up his cigarettes from the hallway. But passing by the kitchen, Zayn noticed the figure of Liam on the loggia, obviously smoking and probably thinking about the same thing as himself.
- Why aren't you sleeping?  - Malik asked timidly, entering the landing of the spacious loggia, forcing Liam to turn around.
- I can ask you the same question, - Liam smiled weakly, letting out smoke after another puff, cautiously extending his hand to Zayn. And he accepted it, after coming closer and hugging the elder, nuzzling his chest.
- I've been drawing all this time, now I wanted to smoke and here I am, with you, - Zayn still pulled back a little to light a cigarette, but he did not remove his hands clasping the elder's torso, not wanting to break the physical contact between them.
- The main thing is that now you are here with me, baby, - smiling warmly, Payne buried his nose in the top of the youngest's head, gently stroking his sides.
- I want chamomile tea so much, which you always brew when I'm sick, can you make it please? - the young man whispered it somewhere in the curve of the elder's neck, which caused him a tender smile.
- Of course, wait a couple of minutes.
Liam pulled away and went into the kitchen, immediately getting down to business, while Zayn finished smoking, watching him, letting go at this moment all his thoughts that Payne just took advantage of him. After all, if it were so, would he be spinning around the kitchen with such trepidation just to make tea for the young man?

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