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All doubts and other thoughts left Malik's head, because now he was only able to bend from the actions of the elder, like a cat demanding as much affection as possible. The young man's palms alternately squeezed and unclenched the pillows under him, drowning out the loud moans that were the most beautiful music for Liam's ears.
With a broad stroke, Payne's tongue stroked the cleavage between the young man's back and buttocks, while his hands were torn from his ass, periodically leaving not so strong slaps on it. Smoothly, one of the elder's hands moved up the brunette's back until it finally ended up in his hair, slightly pulling, forcing the younger to rise and sit on his knees. Liam ran his palm over the young man's cheek, leaving two fingers on his lips.
- Be a good boy, Zayn, wet it, - the man bit his lip while the younger one obediently opened his mouth, taking in both fingers and at the same time tightly clasping them with his lips, from the sight of which Liam groaned.
Zayn smoothly circled the elder's fingers with his tongue, abundantly moistening them with saliva and sometimes sucking in his cheeks, without breaking eye contact with the elder for a second. Malik liked to see Liam's reaction to his actions. He liked the way he bit his lip, how hard he exhaled when Zayn released his fingers from his mouth, pointedly circling them with his tongue from the palm to the tips, then wrapping his lips again.
After wetting his fingers enough, the guy finally lets them out of his mouth with a quiet smacking and gets on all fours, lowering his body onto the blood and flexing favorably so that the ass rises higher. Liam slowly gets up behind, smoothly stroking the mulatto's buttocks with one hand, and lowering his underwear with the other. Payne chuckled contentedly, eagerly examining Zayn from this angle, clearly enjoying the fact that the young man was preparing for such an outcome of this trip, because every part of his body was clean-shaven, which made stroking the delicate skin even more pleasant.
Running his hand over his buttock again, Liam smoothly moved his hand to the cherished place, which he had not touched before, wanting to torment the young man a little, which worked, since he was already whining with displeasure and periodically waving his hips, clearly trying to get Payne to finally get down to business. And this time Liam obeyed, gently pressing on the ring of muscles, very slowly sinking two fingers inside at once, tearing completely different, louder and languid moans from Zayn's lips.
In parallel with the movements of the fingers, the man kissed the lower back and buttocks of the younger, periodically replacing the lips with his tongue, gradually kissing, then dropping lower, then laying a path along the spine up to the neck, causing flocks of goosebumps on the skin of the mulatto. Lifting himself a little on his hands, Zayn arched harder, not stopping moaning for a second, going crazy from so many simultaneous caresses of the elder. A couple of finger movements and Liam finally found what he was looking for, a small bundle of nerves, which he immediately pressed, from which the younger moved his hips towards him, burying his nose in the pillow and moaning even louder, which made Liam smile contentedly and realize that the young man was finally ready to continue.
Gently pulling his fingers out of the young man and not for a second ceasing to stroke his tender skin, Liam sat up, spitting on his penis and distributing saliva with his palm along the entire length of the organ.
Leaning over the guy, Payne gently kissed his shoulders and the back of his neck, at the same time putting his head to the entrance, sinking inside with a smooth movement, from which both moaned at the same time. It was so narrow inside that Liam wondered to himself: "Is Zayn really not a virgin?"
Payne stopped, slowly continuing to kiss the shoulders and back of the guy lying under him, giving him time to get used to it. But Zayn wanted more, he couldn't stand it anymore, wanting to feel the elder's cock in himself entirely, so the young man's hips smoothly leaned towards the elder, impaling Malik on the penis more and more with each new second. It hurt him, because Arthur's penis was much smaller, but the pain was pleasant and only provoked him more to further actions. With a sharp jerk, Liam entered to the end, which was accompanied by a young man's cry and only a stronger and deeper arching of his body.
- You wanted it yourself, Zaini, - Payne whispers hotly, after waiting a couple of seconds, then starting to move inside, squinting from such a narrow and hot captivity, at the same time squeezing the buttocks of the young man and spreading them apart, watching how the penis slowly sinks into Zayn's heated body and then comes back out.
The loud moans of the mulatto accompanying each push of the elder inside did not cease to fill the room. Junior's eyes watered from the pleasure he received, while his hands tightened on the already crumpled fabric of the pillows. With each new movement, the pace of the thrusts became rougher and sharper, Zayn's back was more and more covered with hickeys and Liam's bites, while his hands were still squeezing the buttocks, then the waist of the guy who was lost in pleasure, calling out the name of the elder, then pleading to be faster in combination with the so provoking "daddy".
Coming out of the stupefyingly pleasant captivity of the burning body of the young man, Payne turned him over on his back, hanging from above and joining his lips to his lips, abruptly entering again, forcing Zayn to cry out in a strangled kiss.
Tearing himself away from lips already swollen from constant biting, Liam smoothly ran one hand from the lower abdomen of the young man to his neck, slightly squeezing it, from which Malik blissfully rolled his eyes, putting his hand on Payne's forearm, scratching and squeezing it.
Liam watched the changes in Junior's facial expression, not stopping moving in it, but periodically changing the rhythm from fast and sharp to slow and smooth and vice versa. Removing his hand from his neck, Liam pressed his lips to it, leaving new marks. Zayn belonged only to him, now all of him, from the top of his head to the tips of his fingers. And Liam wanted to show it to everyone. So that no one would even think about trying to master such a beautiful young man that right now he was moaning loudly from the movements of a man in himself, being pressed into a soft bed by him.
- Daddy, my gosh, - Zayn screamed for the last time, leaving deep scratches on his partner's back, at the same time ending somewhere on his stomach.
Liam groaned hoarsely as Malik's muscles began to actively pulsate around his penis. Literally clinging to the curve of Zayn's neck with his teeth, the man made a couple of movements with his hips, ending deep into the guy, growling strangled from the received and such a long-awaited denouement.
Slowly coming out of the young man's body, still trembling from the orgasm he received, Liam lay down next to the younger one, immediately hugging him and leaving a gentle kiss on his temple.
Both were breathing heavily, enjoying the euphoria that they both got what they had been wanting for so long. Liam looked at his partner's body, smiling contentedly, because he left as many marks on it as he could: maroon hickeys, bite marks, his palm prints and finger marks all over his body. In the eyes of Payne, the young man in this form was even more beautiful than his usual appearance. The younger boy's chest often heaved with breaths and exhalations, while the young man himself lay in his arms with his eyes closed and a clearly satisfied smile on his lips.
Liam carefully covered them with a blanket, not caring that the bedclothes were stained with sweat and sperm of both, hugging Zayn even tighter to himself, already peacefully snoring. His Zayn.

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