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- Mr. Malik! I am so pleased that you personally decided to visit my house, - a relatively short brown-haired man hurried to the young man who had just got out of his car, firmly shaking the younger's hand after.
- Mr. Tomlinson, I presume? -  Zayn smiled charmingly, completely unsurprised by such a cordial greeting.
After the charity evening, which Malik attended in the company of Liam Payne, the news did not stop about the young heir of the eminent architect, who was already preparing to step into the position of CEO at such an early age.
- That's right, that's right, Mr. Malik, - the man nodded his head, as if confirming his words in this way, - Come on, let's go into the garden, Mr. Payne told me that you are very talented in visualizing the ideas conceived by the customer.
At this moment, Malik was ready to bury Payne completely and completely right in the flower bed located near the entrance to Mr. Tomlinson's house. The garden on its territory really needed a lot of improvement, although at the moment it looked very good. But what's not bad in Zayn's eyes should become great.
While the staff of the young men's organization were doing their work, Zayn discussed with Louis, that was Mr. Tomlinson's name, his desires and possible vision of certain things. Although Malik was not well versed in the terminology of landscape design, he understood the elder's idea well. Therefore, after taking a couple of photos of large and more specific plans, right in his tablet, taking a stylus, Malik made sketches on them, so that later the department could make a full-fledged layout of the works on their basis, after coordinating them with Tomlinson.
After discussing a few more points and sending all his sketches to his team, Zayn, after saying goodbye to Louis, got into the car, intending to drive back to the office.
Having found a beautiful place near Tomlinson's house, the mulatto stopped the car there and lit a cigarette, opening the window. The meeting was too nervous and exciting, the young man was worried that Louis might consider him an insufficiently qualified employee, although he did not give a reason, as he thought himself.
After taking another puff, Zayn called Payne on FaceTime to at least share his emotions with someone while they are still fresh in the guy's memory. But when Liam picked up the phone, Malik immediately frowned, because the elder was sitting in the dining room in the company of a curly-haired young man, whom the mulatto managed to notice before Payne took the phone more conveniently in his hand.
- Zayn, how did it go? - Payne said with a smile, but immediately frowned, noticing the expressions on the younger's face, - Did something happen? Did Louis hurt you in some way?
Liam looked at the younger one with concern, from which, deciding to interrupt the meal, he went to smoke, patiently waiting for the young man's story.
- No, Liam, it went great. Mr. Tomlinson liked the adjustments I made, - Malik replied dryly, throwing the cigarette butt out the window and starting the car after, while leaving the phone on a special stand.
- Then why are you so unhappy, Zaini? - taking another puff, Payne strolled around the office building, looking at the younger one with interest in the phone screen.
- I'm driving, Liam, we'll talk later.
Zayn growled after dropping the call, gripping the steering wheel from anger to white knuckles. He didn't really know the new employee yet, which Malik didn't really need, but he was already very annoyed with him by constantly appearing next to Payne. To watch how Liam, according to the mulatto, lisping with curly hair, was very disgusting, so the brunette decided at least today to free himself from such a spectacle and instead of the office preferred to spend time shopping.
Arriving home, the young man barely dragged all the packages to the elevator, and then to the apartment. Malik never denied that he was an avid shopaholic, because the guy loved to dress beautifully, and to compose a lot of concise images, a large number of things are needed.
Hearing a noise in the hallway, Liam came out of the living room, where he was reviewing Harry's sketches from his last job, in order to understand what the young man is capable of and whether he can pull the work "The art of architecture".
- I thought that you would return to the office, - Payne, approaching the younger, gently put his arm around his waist, lightly kissing his temple.
Zayn pulled away, preferring to ignore the man's words, instead, along with his purchases, going to the dressing room. Liam was very surprised by this behavior of the young man, however, he did not follow him, returning back to the living room. The man perfectly understood what was going on, because jealousy was clearly traced in his behavior. Payne did not consider jealousy a stupid thing, however, as the man again believed, he absolutely did not give reasons to be jealous of him.
The young man spent the rest of the evening at home, interrupting the negative emotions caused by the situation occurring in a kind of triangle between him, Liam and Styles, composing new images. However, Zayn did not manage to distract himself with such activities for a long time, so Malik, telling Liam that he wanted to get to the salon in order to choose new disks for the car and most likely it would be too late, packed up and left, leaving Payne alone.

Since the very morning, work has been in full swing in the office of The art of architecture. Employees ran back and forth between floors and departments, doing their routine chores. Liam also managed to hold a number of meetings and meetings with customers to perform work on the last objects won by the company. In addition, Payne managed to periodically go and check on a new employee, helping him in some way and instructing the head of the landscape design department, who took his own place, to work more productively to comfortably introduce new employees both into the team and into the specifics of the work.
Closer to 10 am, Liam, in the company of Harry, left the office to smoke and share his impressions of Curly's work in a calmer and less stressful environment.
At the same time, Malik's black Audi pulled into the parking lot of the office building. Liam imagined how such an intersection of all three would end, so he visibly tensed up, preparing for a scandal right at the entrance to the building. However, Payne needed to strain himself for another reason, because the one who got out of the car he knew, outwardly seemed to be a little familiar to him. Instead of the usual black crown, Liam saw wheat-colored hair neatly arranged up on Malik. Instead of the total black image, the young man wore a beige T-shirt with cropped sleeves, slightly loose trousers and white Jordans. Malik was holding his laptop and a glass of latte he obviously loved. After closing the car Zayn walked closer to the men standing at the entrance, holding a cigarette between his lips and lighting it.
The way Malik looked plunged Liam into a pleasant shock, he madly liked the new, very unusual image of the young man.
Contrary to expectations, the guy didn't say a word, not even saying hello, trying to finish his cigarette as quickly as possible and go inside the office building.
While Zayn was busy working on Tomlinson's project with the team dealing with this particular order, Liam in his office again helped Harry in mastering their work program, since the young man was immediately put to work on an urgent project, the object of which was in Berlin and was very important for the whole company.
After a couple of hours, Zayn came into the senior's office, clearly terribly angry about something. Looking at Harry and Liam, sitting almost close to each other in front of a laptop, the young man chuckled, coming closer to the chair at the head of the table.
- Harry, you can go, - Zayn did not even try to speak calmly, with his whole appearance he made it clear that if curly did not listen to him now, it would hardly end in something good.
- Zayn, we're not done yet, Harry's staying, - Liam immediately protested, which made Malik snort, leaning on the table with both hands.
- Harry, you take your laptop and go to your workplace, now.
After that, Styles, quietly apologizing to the man, obediently took all his things and hurriedly disappeared into the corridor, leaving the couple alone in the office.

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