2: Surviving Against All Odds

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A jolt swept through Morana's body as she sat up in fright. Her vision blurred as she felt pain take hold of her abdomen. She clutched her side as she looked around the dark-lit room she was in. It was pitch black; her heavy breathing was the only thing to be heard. Confused and alarmed, Morana moved the shitone comforter off of her. There, she saw that she was bandaged and dressed in a very loose pink yukata with only her undergarments underneath. Her head throbbed as she clutched it. Her long blue hair, she realized, was pulled up in a loose hairstyle she was unfamiliar with. Nothing made sense to her; by habit, she knew she needed to know where she was.

With any remaining strength, she forced her way to her feet, where she stumbled through the room she was in. It was a spacious room she guessed was a guest bedroom. She had laid on a mushiro padding with a softer mushiro padding underneath the shitone comforter that covered her. The tatami mat flooring was what she walked on throughout the home. She slowly understood where she was as she stumbled to open a paper door. Sliding it open, she walked out into a long hallway. It was quiet as she quietly walked down the hall, clutching her side in pain. It was bearable for the moment as she made sure not to move too hastily.

Morana had realized she was in a pleasant Sanka-type dwelling; she saw mountainsides through the open windows. It looked to her to be the home of a retired samurai couple. She had passed a small shrine dedicated to three young men; she guessed that the sons died during a battle. With luck, she made it out to the courtyard as she took in the cold mountain air. It sent a shock to her body as it took away her breath.

The clear night sky with the full moon shined down on her as she took in what she thought was peace. Mountains surrounded her as she stared at the surprising beauty of her world. That stillness hung in the cold air as she saw her breath. It hung in the air momentarily before blending in with the night sky. The stars that decorated the night sky reminded her of the cold winter nights she had grown to love. The soft comfort of being at peace brought her to her senses.

The exhaustion from her previous fights had brought her to sit down on the steps that led inside the home. She didn't need to run or demand answers; instead, she wanted that peace she felt as she looked at the peaceful night sky. The cold air brought a comforting sense as she slipped her arms out of the yukata she wore. There, she examined all the bandages around her upper body. It was done well by someone with experience, making her question who she ended up with or, instead, who she saved.

Her mind retraced her steps as she recalled what she had gone through in the past few days. The plot against her life, the fear swept through her, and her fighting to survive. She never thought that was how she would respond to something she had been trained to do all her life. Yet she managed to escape. The blood she shed to do so made her shudder as she had taken the lives of those she had known all her life. It made her question if she was just like those who raised her.

Clutching her side as the pain reminded her that she was alive, but at what cost? And was she doing the right thing by being alive? Or would it be more beneficial to die?

It wasn't long until the door slid open behind her; an older couple appeared with a lantern as they looked at the woman in shock. Carefully, Morana glanced back at them cautiously. There was an air of uncertainty as she didn't know what to do then.

She tried to speak, but nothing but hoarse and pained mumbles emitted from her throat. That was when she realized the true extent of her injuries, and fear started to encase her. Clutching her throat and side as she strained to understand. Everything was crashing all around her as she came to realize that these people could harm her, and she didn't have the strength or energy to defend herself.

"Easy, junior." The older man showed his hands as he addressed her. It confused her by his address, but she could only assume it was a samurai ranking. Slowly, he approached her as she moved to stand up weakly. Carefully, he gripped her arm and placed it around his shoulders as she leaned her weight against him. They could see the fear in her blue eyes as she sucked in her whimpers of pain.

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