5: The Heart of Heroism

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Morana couldn't stand to sit on the bench much longer as the three retired samurai were in the back room. She knew they were talking about her, making her reconsider her actions. It didn't help that Gojou occasionally glanced at her, leaving her paranoid. Frustration crept through her body as she couldn't sit still; her legs thumped rapidly. Her thoughts ran rampant as she thought of every negative outcome possible. It left her nervous and anxious as she didn't know what to do if anything happened.

She wanted nothing more than to leave the town and return to the Norimasu household, but she couldn't; she didn't want to venture out into town alone. She could if she wanted to, but she left confined to be close to Shimazu. Standing to her feet, she sighed, walking towards the front of the store. She looked out at the busy street. She could take what was happening with the active people from the shop's safety.

The streets were bustling with activity as people set up decorations and prepared for the upcoming parade. The air was filled with the sweet smell of blooms as local flora were arranged along the streets, their blossoms and stems cut and placed in vases or hung from the eaves of buildings. The sun glowed warmly on the streets, sending a sparkling glow reflecting off of the various red and black decorations adorning the town. In the distance, Morana saw people gathering at the city gates in anticipation of someone's arrival. She took note of the Kageryuu clan crest that was embroidered on banners that lined the streets. Her heart stopped when she realized what the town was preparing for. This was something she had been a part of in her clan. The royal family was going to pass through the town at some point. Panic settled in.

This realization made her stomach turn as she feared what would happen if they recognized her as an enemy. Granted, she had never seen the royal family of the Kageryuu clan; she knew that they had two Princes and that the Empress was leading the clan. She knew nothing else of the clan that her father was trying to wipe clean of. What was she supposed to do? Was this an elaborate plan all along?

Her chest tightened at the thought of Shimazu having planned this to turn her into the royal hands so he could save his family. She didn't blame him if this was true, but she couldn't help feeling betrayed. A laugh of innocence echoed above the noise through the busy sounds of the street life. It caught her by surprise as it had consumed her attention. Morana searched for the sounds of children laughing when she saw two young children playing in the street. Their smiles were full of laughter that captivated Morana. To see them play and chase each other, carefree of the world's troubles. It made the world seem brighter. Her heart ached to see them as she was reminded of the three young men she saved years ago. These children reminded her of them.

A shout caught her attention, and her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the source of what was happening. The shouts continued as they were trying to warn the playing children. Above them, Morana noted, was a large banner that wasn't appropriately secured and was getting ready to fall. The children would be gravely injured if they were to be caught underneath it. Instantly, her hands moved to her hip, but she didn't have her katana. Glancing to her left, she saw a wooden one; quickly turning to the children, she moved without thinking.

The crowd watched in shock as Morana moved with a swiftness and grace that was hard to believe. She had come out of nowhere, barely making a sound as she blocked the massive banner, holding it steady with one hand and using the wooden katana to push the children back with the other hand. The entire banner looked like it weighed more than Morana herself, and the fact that she had managed to catch it was incredible.

The children stared at her in shock, unable to fathom how she had managed to save them. They knew she must be a skilled warrior but were in awe at her strength and agility. Seeing such a woman was a rarity as she stood with a sense of power that left many in stunned silence.

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