8: Attraction and Suspicion

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There was a high buzz when they entered the town streets. Confusion and concern were the leading tones as they weaved deeper into town. Morana had blended in with the crowd and was relieved of the looks she had expected to receive. No one paid attention to her as they finally reached the crime scene.

Crossing her arms as she watched the royal guards cleaning up the blood that soaked the street. They had already taken care of the bodies that littered the place. Atagi and Yamada had made their way to Shimazu and Morana. It had already been decided with Atagi and Yamada that Morana was behind the attack, but they had kept it to themselves. Poor Akimoto was slightly shaken by the scene and the coldness that Morana had to it.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else?" A familiar voice caught Morana's attention as she turned to see where it came from. Shimazu glanced at his friends as they heard the voice as well.

"Yes, I am positive. I saw nothing, only that Oume was turned into a walking corpse and that she was gracefully taken out of her misery." A hoarse feminine voice answered. Nearby, in an alleyway, Prince Rogue was dressed more casually than when Morana first saw him; with him was an older woman. Morana's guess was that two homeless women were in the alleyway last night.

As if sensing he was being watched, Rogue turned and locked eyes with Morana. Excitement flared through him as he turned back to the older woman. He excused himself and bowed before leaving. Morana's heart raced in her chest as she recalled the conversation in Shimazu's workshop a few days ago.

"Morana." Prince Rogue approached her with a kind smile as he greeted her. Much calmer than the first time she spoke with him, she bowed more relaxed.

"Hello, Prince Rogue." Morana kept her composure, but it was clear that she looked exhausted. There was a moment of silence between the two as snickering was heard behind Morana. Confused, she glanced back to see Akimoto giggling with Atagi. The large man was whispering something to her as Shimazu glared at him. Yamada had given Morana a look of sympathy, which only confused her more. It was like she was the only one who didn't understand what was happening, as Rogue's face was a bit flushed.

Prince Rogue cleared his throat as Morana's attention was back to him. "My apologies for asking this upfront, but do you know anything that happened last night?" He would have preferred to talk more personally, but with the massacre from last night, he had to do his duty as a prince.

Morana glanced at the scene and thought her words carefully. "If I may ask, but what exactly happened?"

"A massacre had occurred. Members of the Kokuryuu clan were slain in the area. One person was turned into a walking corpse, but no one knows who did it." Prince Rogue followed her gaze to the scene. The royal guards were now opening up the area for the civilians to use.

"What would happen to the one responsible?" She asked as she turned her attention back to him. "If they were caught?"

Prince Rogue looked at her and felt captivated by her seemingly cold gaze. He could tell there was much conflict within her, and doubt started to creep in his heart as he recalled what his brother said. "They would be brought in for questioning. And depending on how that goes will depend if they are friend or foe to the kingdom."

"I see," She nodded slowly as she looked down. "If I may, I think this person was merely defending themselves."

Prince Rogue was surprised by her statement. "What makes you think that?"

"There was a lot of blood, so perhaps the person who did this was fighting to survive. It doesn't take much to kill a person without bloodshed." She explained as she gestured to the faint trace of blood on the street.

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