Chapter 1 - a Dream wind

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Alarm rings*

Um! Another day of same metaphors.ok,let me think Is there something worth of waking up ?

Still sleeping?Wake Up Ruhi,You are getting late to school.
My mother's voice echoed from downstairs.

Fine,the answer is here,My mind answered.
Mom!Where is my Ribbon?,I shouted.

Meanwhile my phone rang.
Zoya,My only bestfriend.Nah,My only friend ever called.

I answered and set to say hello,But she started her rant as usual.And I supposed to listen as always.Hum,But I kinda like it.She ranted how she is excited about the first day,about how she has planned to spend this year,and how she is excited to meet Me after the vacation.

Really? someone is excited to meet a boring person like me.May be that makes her special.

Oh,I forgot why I called you.

Yes,You are.

Ok,ok.I called you to say that I am coming to pick you up in 15 minutes.So please get ready soon.

We hung up the phone.

She came and we departed.She ranted about her excitement again.

Uff these many people. I wonder how people bring this much energy.

We checked our notice board and yes,a big relief.We both were in the same class. One second,Is that !? No no no...this can't happen.What in the world makes him to take the same stream.

"Aha!Hey guys! Long time no see. And guess what we are in the same class." The voice gave a chill.

"Hey Rihan,Yeah let's have fun." Zoya exclaimed.

My heart was slipping away and skipping a beat while they were chatting.
Rihan,Probably the only boy who knows my existence in school. One of the kindest and coolest.And my crush since high school.

I was stunned as usual. Even Zoya doesn't know that I have little feelings for him. I know these are common among teenagers.But who is gonna see a goofy girl like me.That to the one who is popular among girls.Never mind,Let's concentrate on the fact for what I am here for 'studying'.

We entered our class room and we 3 sat together.Zoya in middle.The introverted me always wanted to sit beside him but yeah they both are good friends and I can't deny the fact that we don't speak much other than hi and bye.

The classes were good and we were told that even if we are in grade 12,they won't stop us from participating in cultural and events. And I was like who cares ,as if I am gonna participate.

One month passed.Diwali was in a week and our class was given a incharge of diwali celebration.In our school Diwali was not only for a mere celebration but it's the time for organizing inter school competitions.Every one around me was doing certain works and I was given a task of decoration.I am good at it.Zoya was a incharge of people and social committee and rihaan was an overall coordinator.For the first time ever we had a conversation that lasted for 10 minutes.

The idea of decoration is awesome and ping me if you need something,says Rihaan.

Um! Ah..thanks.Sure.I replied with a nodding head.
I sneezed due to the dust and I heard his murmur "Cute".

Wait what!? My heart skipped a beat.I was speechless and I turned pink.It was something more than what I have expected from him.The days pased.and the main event arrived.

Everyone was made to wear traditional dress and yeah sadly I had to wear saree.For the first time ever.Zoya helped me to get ready.She even brought me matching jhumka,bangles and bindi.She mocked me like saying,woah the tomboy bestie of mine is gorgeous in girly get up.To be honest,I saw myself first time like that.

I was so shy to get out of the class room but Zoya didn't hear a word.She grabbed my hand and pulled me to all the stalls one by one. It was the first time I ever got attention.People stared at me.Some complimented.It was all new .I felt a gaze over me for a long time. Honestly it was cold.I tried to look and surprisingly it was him. He was looking at me. I tried to ignore it but our eyes got each other for a few times.He came closer and the mean time Zoya left me in the croud.That was like some dream.I have never been that closer to rihaan.People were pushing both of use front and back and his eyes were still on me.I felt my nerves cracking deep down and wanted to get away.

My legs got struck and about to fall.He grabbed my hand.I know I am dead at that exact moment.I can hear my heart beats.He brought me outside the stalls and made me sit In stairs.He also sat beside me and asked "Are you ok?".

I nodded my head in yes.The jhumka waved along with it.and he was noticing it.

He stammered for a moment.The Rihaan I know never stammers and looked so nervous.It was first time I saw him looking at the ground while speaking.He was in veshti and wearing one my favourite shirt of his.That pastel blue with strips looks good on him.I never looked him this close.
After a few minutes he broke the silence and started as "the decorations are beautiful..and paused"
I was about to say thank you he again started with "so do you".
it was like a dream.It was like our time was slowed down and others were in the fast forward mode.I blushed and just turned around so that he couldn't see me.

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