Chapter One: Introduction

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Part 1: Joselyn

Cool autumn air brushed through the town as Joselyn unlocked the doors to the library. It was their favorite time of the year, so the entire library was decorated for Halloween. Joselyn walked in and sat behind her desk, getting the computer started and pulling out the dystopian novel she was currently reading, Unwind. They relaxed against their chair as they quietly read.

Before she knew it, the town's mayor, Sam, stumbled in through the door and sat himself down at a table. The poor guy looked exhausted.

Nobody knew exactly where Sam came from. Belial, the casino owner, said he'd just kinda showed up one day. Sam mostly kept to himself, and Belial seemed to be one of the few people he was really comfortable with... especially since the curse hit.

See, the small town suffered this... curse, according to the local researcher, Lucien. It caused everyone to lose their memory, and since they'd realized this, they wrote down everything they could.

Joselyn was startled from her thoughts by a few taps on her desk. In front of them was Hecate, the local blacksmith.

"There's my favorite girl- or uh-... person-... whatever," Hecate chuckled nervously. She glanced over at Sam and whispered quietly, "Poor guy's exhausted... you think he's okay?"

"No idea, but... I don't want to bother him," Joselyn spoke quietly.

Hecate sighed, "anyway, I brought you lunch. I made sure it's kosher so you can eat it, mon ami." She handed Joselyn a small paper bag and they both smiled lightly.

Since Hecate was German, it was odd to hear her speak French... unless she was with Joselyn, as it was Joselyn's first language, of course. It was mostly for terms of endearment. Hecate was also very considerate when it came to bringing Joselyn food. She always made sure it was kosher so Joselyn could eat it and not go against her faith, since she was Jewish.

After a short while, Hecate left for work, leaving Joselyn and Sam alone in the library. Joselyn went back to her book, but she couldn't help but worry about Sam.

Joselyn got up and walked towards the table Sam was sitting at. Sam seemed to be writing something. When Joselyn got close enough, they noticed it was a journal entry. She was only able to read one sentence that read "I don't know how much longer I can hide it", before Sam slammed the notebook shut and spun around.

"O-Oh! Sorry! I just... wanted to check on you and I got distracted, I'm so sorry-!" Joselyn winced.

Sam sighed, "don't let it happen again." He then grabbed his things and left quickly.

Joselyn quickly went back to her desk and sat on the floor behind it. She grabbed her lunch and slowly began eating it, trying to settle herself...


Part 2: Belial

Belial sat it his cold room, drinking the last of his animal blood.

"Shit..." he huffed, throwing the container at the wall on the other side of the room. He forced himself out of bed and quickly got himself dressed.

He started off towards the local shop, grumbling quietly to himself. Forrest, the shopkeeper, greeted him almost immediately.

"Just here for your blood?" Forrest asked, to which Bel nodded. "You've been going through a lot of it lately. Everything okay?"

Bel huffed as Forrest grabbed the blood for him, "just been hungrier than usual, I suppose."

"Might be the fact that it's animal blood you've been drinking. You're a vampire, meant to drink human blood, after all."

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