Chapter 5: Coming Undone

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Part 1: Lucien

"So, this is our plan?" Lucien asked the group. The only person who was there before who wasn't now was Belial.

"I guess so," Hecate replied.

"Don't actually hurt her, ma amour," Joselyn added.

"Liebe, please. I don't have a reason to unless we actually find something, which I highly doubt we will."

"Look, I think we will," August argued.

"Okay, let's not argue. Both of you, shut up," Lucien sighed.

"How are we gonna go about this?" Lilith asked, "we can't just walk in and fight her."

"Did you listen-? Actually, who am I kidding? Of course you weren't," Lucien sighed, "we go in and interrogate her. If she doesn't cooperate, then we search."



Part 2: Ophelia

When Ophelia heard the knock at her door, she didn't know who or what to expect. When she saw, quite literally, half of the town at her door, she was a bit confused.

"Hey-?" She spoke as she answered the door, "do you need something?"

"Yes. We need to ask you some things," Lucien answered, "could we come inside?"

"Of course! But do be aware, my raccoon and opossum are out, so don't be alarmed if they're scared at first."

As they entered, Ophelia heard August whisper 'that was easy'. She found it odd, but decided not to think about it too much. 

She sat down on the couch and her opossum, Moxxie, crawled into her lap. Moxxie hissed at the guests.

"Moxxie, be nice," she told the opossum.

"So..." Lucien started, "It's been brought to our attention that you've been... um... suspicious, per say."


"We think it's weird that you seem to remember everything while we don't," August chimed in.

"Correction, he thinks it's weird," Lucien corrected.

"It is though!"

"Look..." Lucien sighed, "he wants 'proof' that you're some sort of traitor, so just answer the questions and you'll be fine."

"Alright," Ophelia replied.

"Were you telling the truth when you explained how you already knew us?"


"Fucking liar," August mumbled.

"Do you just want to read my notebook? Because I swear to fuck, I am not lying!"

"Yes, actually!"

"August, what the fuck?" Lucien grumbled.

Ophelia grabbed her notebook and handed it to August, who immediately began reading through it. When he found nothing, he complained.

"You could have written this at any point to cover your ass!" August yelled.

"I don't know what the fuck you want from me then!" Ophelia growled.

"August, listen!" Lucien yelled before lowering his voice, "if there was a remedy, I would have found it by now! She doesn't have it!"

"See!?" Ophelia scoffed, "all I do is sew and tailor clothes! What makes you think I know how to make a remedy for a curse I know barely anything about?"

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