Chapter 6: It's All Over (STORY FINALE)

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(Writer's Note before we begin: This chapter will only have 5 parts rather than 10.)

(TRIGGER WARNING!!: This chapter contains very upsetting topics that may be triggering to some, such as self-harm, suicide, mentions of murder, etc. With this out of the way, let's get on with the story <3)

Part 1: August

When everyone met up in the morning, minus Azrael and Forrest, who chose to stay uninvolved, they discussed their plan.

"So, Hecate, you've got your sword, right?" August asked.

"Yep, sharpened and ready for the interrogation," Hecate unsheathed the shiny, detailed sword.

"Promise me you won't... actually hurt him?" Bel requested. 

"I won't unless he retaliates."

Bel seemed a little worried about this.

"Why are you so worried about it anyway?" August asked, "you're the one that told us he was hiding something."

"... Don't worry about it," Bel sighed.

He dropped it immediately. Instead, they continued going over their plan before heading to Sam's house...


Part 2: Sam

When Sam opened his door, he never would have expected the situation he was in now.

Ophelia had him held by his wrists like a puppet and she'd forced him onto his knees (not like that ya nasty). Hecate had her sword at his throat. Lucien was digging through his things. He could see Bel mouthing 'I'm sorry'.

When Lucien came to the ender chest, he was confused as to why there was nothing inside of it.

"Is this shit just for decoration, or-?" Lucien asked.

"It's an ender chest," Sam explained, "You can only access what you put inside... Only I can get what you want from me."

"Well then, why don't you get it for me?" Lucien signaled for Ophelia to release Sam.

"... Yes, sir."

Sam dug everything out of the ender chest without hesitation. His notebook, the bottles of the remedy, the recipe... those pictures... everything. Ophelia grabbed him again when he'd pulled everything out.

"... What's in the bottles, Sam?" Lucien asked.

"I-I..." Sam lowered his head.


"I-It's the remedy..."

"And you didn't tell me about it!?"

"Wait!" Joselyn interrupted, "Bel was drinking the blood from those same bottles!"

"Okay, look-!" Sam winced, "I gave Bel that blood so that he wouldn't starve when animal blood stopped filling him up!"

"Bel, you told us it was animal blood!" Joselyn yelled.

"I didn't want to scare you!" Bel insisted.

While they were arguing, Sam noticed Lucien reading through his notebook.

"Wait..." Lucien interrupted, "Sam, what do you mean you feel guilty when you're around Lilith?"

Sam couldn't even answer before Lilith yelled, "did you fucking kill me!?"

"Lils..." He tried to speak.

"Stop fucking calling me that!"

"Okay... Lilith... Look, it was an accident!" Sam winced.

RemembranceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora