Chapter 2: Monster

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Part 1: Hecate

Hecate laid in her bed, burying herself in her blanket. She heard her door open and grumbled. 

'Happy birthday, meine liebe Tochter," her father smiled as he entered her room. 

"Mmm... Go away, I want sleep..." Hecate groaned sleepily.

"Your girlfriend's here."

"She's not my girlfriend, Dad."

"You want her to be."


Hecate hid the fact that she was blushing. Her father was right, after all. 

She heard her father say "she's all yours."

She heard footsteps approach her bed and she buried herself under her blanket. She felt someone sit on her bed.

"Hecate~" Joselyn's voice spoke. 

"Mmm..." Hecate whined. Joselyn scooted closer and gently messed with Hecate's hair. 

Hecate suddenly and quickly pulled Joselyn close. Joselyn seemed surprised, but chuckled and went along with it.

"What are you doing?" Joselyn chuckled.

"Mmm... Mine~..." Hecate mumbled, resting her head against Joselyn. Joselyn messed with Hecate's hair some more.

"Do you want me to do your hair for you?" Joselyn asked. Hecate nodded, forcing herself out of bed. Joselyn stood and turned around, letting Hecate get dressed.

Hecate threw on a simple outfit and then snuggled up against Joselyn's chest. She spent a bit of the morning snuggled up there while Joselyn braided her hair. Afterwards, Joselyn brought Hecate out of her room. Hecate seemed exhausted. She slid her hand into Joselyn's. Joselyn seemed a bit surprised, but went with it anyway...


Part 2: Ophelia

Ophelia got herself dressed quickly. She grabbed the jacket she'd made and rushed out the door.

She knew Hecate was taking the day off for her birthday and she'd be with Joselyn all day. She quickly made her way to the library, seeing Joselyn and Hecate arrive there just before she did. Poor Hecate looked exhausted.

Ophelia made it to the library, entered, and walked up to the desk where Hecate and Joselyn were sitting. 

"Happy birthday, Hecate... You look exhausted, you poor thing..." Ophelia spoke worriedly. 

"Mmm... Been thinking about the curse... and... sleepy..." Hecate groaned.

"She's still upset she had to get up this morning," Joselyn chuckled softly.

Ophelia nodded, setting the jacket she'd made on the desk in front of Hecate.

"Well, again... happy birthday... let me know if you like the jacket... I'll let you two be," Ophelia smiled. Hecate took the jacket but didn't look at it.

Ophelia left the library and headed to the tailor's shop. He decided to work on another one of her projects she'd been pushing off.

She put on her headphones and got to work...


Part 3: Sam

Sam laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep anymore, not consistently at least. The nightmares kept him awake. He knew what he was doing was wrong. He should be helping everyone, not keeping everything from them. Yet he couldn't stop thinking... what if his dreams were right? He rolled over and buried his face in his pillow. 

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