The tickets

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 (Y/H) your height 

(Y/E/C) your eye color

(Y/H/C) your hair color 

(Y/L/S) your lip shape

My roommate and best friend came down yelling that she had something I NEEDED to see.

"Girl you have to see this!" she said finally reaching me. 

"Ella we've talked about this I don't care what cute thing your boyfriend said to you," I say rolling my eyes.

"Girl just look." She says shoving the phone in my face.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell excitedly.

"I know and they are front row too!" she screams.

"How did you get these tickets?" I ask her.

"Oh, your bestie has her ways," she responded with a devilish smirk. 

"Oh my god, you are the best! When is it I was too stunned to check the date." I said.

"You're going to go nuts when I tell you when it is!" She exclaimed

"When is it? Girl don't leave me in suspense!" I say hoping it wasn't the day of the big test at my college. 

"It's next week on Friday!" She said jumping up and down.

Good, it's not on the day of my big test. My test is the week after.

Ella was good looking and I was jealous of her looks. She has long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and perfect cupid bow lips. Her face was beautifully symmetric and her eyelashes were longer than anyone else's I'd ever seen. We had grown up together and the boys always chased her, she was like a blond green-eyed Megan fox. 

I am (Y/H) with (Y/E/C) and (Y/H/C) with (Y/L/S). Everyone says I'm pretty but I've never had a boyfriend and I have self-confidence issues. 

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Ella asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah just got lost in thought" I chuckle to ease her concern. 

"Okay good." she smiles. "Come on we need to find outfits for it!" she exclaims.

Ella has always liked fashion and loves trying on a million outfits to find the best one for things like this. I wear almost exclusively band tees and pants.

"I'll just wear my BVB shirt and some jeans," I say hoping she won't push me into dressing like her for this occasion.

She also thinks Andy is hot and it's one of the reasons we became friends. It's probably also why she seems especially concerned with what she's going to wear. 

"You can't! What if Andy sees us he's not going to notice you if you dress like everyone else!" she complains. 

"Girl, you know I'm going to be way too nervous if he even looks at us to speak! That alone would scare him away."

"Ugh, Fine but girl don't come crying to me when I get his attention and not you." She says giving up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I can't believe the day is finally here it felt like forever!" Ella says when we get to the venue.

"I know right? I say back. "Keep your eyes open for a parking spot," I add.

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