Chapter 01

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1980's ; as a kid, it was your favorite place to go with your friends

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1980's ; as a kid, it was your favorite place to go with your friends. The 5 of you were always pretending to be the animatronics, more so the others than you. You liked them all, as the others had their favorites. You did laugh and have fun anyways. You always drew what happened and put it with the rest on the restaurant's wall they have for all the artwork.

There was something strange, however. There was a man in a yellow suit, always taking every friend to a room and almost taking you as well. But, your mother called for you, so the yellow rabbit couldn't take you. You did see where he took your friends, so when he was out in the open, you slipped past and went to the backstage.

You heard screams over the loud music from the stage. Your heart began to quicken as you went towards the screams. There were these, big grey doors that stood out, so you walked in and your eyes widened in horror. You wanted to scream, but was too stunned to. You had to do something but you couldn't. You heard loud thumps of feet heading your direction, so you took the time to hide somewhere.

Once you hid in your spot that was dark enough, you peaked through and watched in horror of what happened. Your friends, brutally murdered one by one. The man in the Yellow Bunny Suit making sure every last one was breathless and bleeding to death. You began to tear up, but made sure you weren't heard. The last thing you remembered was their bodies being stuffed into the animatronics and passed out.

That memory had yet to leave, but you couldn't erase it. You wished you could've done something, but you were just a kid. You're now an adult, living alone as you only had some friends in your neighborhood that you visit. Mainly your friend, Mike. You and him met at the Mall you two secure over. Since it was your first day that time, Mike showed you around so the two of you got close overtime. What was unsetting for you was your career counselor, Steve Raglan.

For some reason, he was always speaking like he was nervous. You didn't really find it odd, but you did soon before when he didn't even finish saying your own name. Of course, you were Security at night for the Mall. As much as you didn't mind it, you have hallucinations and go to places you shouldn't be, and the cameras proved a lot.

You were currently babysitting for Abby, Mike's little sister to cover for Max. Something came up so she called for you to take over. You didn't mind it anyways. You can see what Abby sees, and you were always concerned how she could do that. Of course, she's a kid, but how could you see them too?

As you were watching TV, the front door opened and you looked over, seeing it was Mike. He had a red paper in his hand as he walked off. "Hey Max, thanks for babysitting."

"Not a problem, Mikey." You rolled your eyes as he looked back to where you were and he was a bit confused and shocked.


"Max had something important, so she called me to take over." I explained, him nodding while he hung up his jacket and did what he needed.

"Did Abby eat?"

"Well, I tried having her eat at least something but wouldn't. You know I don't like forcing kids to do things." A simple sigh escaped his lips before walking over to his sister's room. You turned off the TV and folded up the blanket you borrowed from Abby since you asked. You set it to the side and stretched. After cleaning up some things, Mike walked back over to you and patted your shoulder.

"Thanks for covering for Max. I'll pay you and her at some point."

"No need, this is more than enough. How was work?" You asked, softly smiling as he smiled back. You swore you saw a hint of pink dust his cheeks, but maybe he was embarrassed. He sat down on the couch as you joined him.

"Well, punched a guy because I thought he was kidnapping a child.. Guess I was fired from my job. But the Career Supervisor told me about a night shift job.. I can't really do that.." He explained, resting his head on your shoulder with a groan. You hummed before seeing a child from the small hallway. He had blonde hair and very bright blue eyes. The moment you blinked, he vanished. Your brows furowed but you ignored what you saw.

"Seems to me like you and I are in similar spots, he said the same thing. Maybe we can work together in the same job!" I began, happy at the thought that maybe him and I can work the same shift and place. Yet, I was worried if Max couldn't babysit one day for Abby and she'd be home alone. Wonder how Mike would work in that.

"That would be nice... You're the only one I know who understands me most and helps.." He muttered, sounding very tired. Your cheeks flushed a bit as you were flattered. You chuckled as you ruffled his hair and made sure he gets sleep.

"Alright sleepyhead, you need to head to bed. You sound tired."

"Sure, Mom." He gently punched your arm, you chuckling before getting set to leave. You said your goodbyes and headed home.

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