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Two days later:
At a cafe:
5:32 PM:

The cafe is almost empty at these hours, it's comfortable; late night in autumn, drinking a pumpkin spice latte while studying with your tutor... Of course Francis is always at my right. Either way, it's peaceful. I really understand things with Shane, probably because his voice doesn't put me under a spell like the tragedy boy's deep but soft voice.

Shane: Do you have any more questions for me or can I leave-

Me: No, I'm fine. Thanks again, Shane-

We both get up and gather our things. As I throw my calculator in my bag- I notice how disorganized I am compared to Shane. He seems to have everything in his bag so well placed, I'm kind of jealous. He looks up at me, confused.

Shane: What?

Me: No- I'm just amazed at how organized you are-

Shane: Oh- I have OCD...

Me: I'm sorry.

Shane: It's fine. Do you want to study tomorrow or after break?

Me: After break.

Shane: Fine by me. Have a nice break, Mika.

Me: You too, Shane.

He leaves before I put my pencil case in my bag. I give my bag to Francis and we head in the car.

At home:
6:59 PM:

I'm at the dinner table with my family, eating lasagna. It's taking me a while to even finish my plate because of the amount of grease there is in the lasagna.

Emiel: Since mum and dad are going on a business trip and are coming back from LA at the end of the month, can I come with you to Colorado?

Me and Tobi: Me too!

Aunt Nina: Sure!

I do a little happy dance with my brothers.

Aunt Nina: Would you like to come too Rio?

Rio: No thanks, I'm good.

Aunt Nina: We'll take sure to take pictures without you to make you jealous!

Rio: No way- I won't be haha!

Aunt Nina: We'll see! I leave on the eleventh-

Tobi: Will we be back before the end of break?

Aunt Nina: Yeah- I mean, we're just spending a week and a half there.

Me: Nice! I'll already get my suitcase ready!

I eat my lasagna too fast and put it in the sink before running upstairs. I gag and feel the urge to throw up immediately so I rush to the bathroom and vomit the pasta's tomato sauce. I flush the toilet in disgust before rinsing my mouth. Then I pull out my suitcase and start putting my clothes and toiletries inside.

7:38 PM:

I finish packing my suitcase and I already found the handbag I'll take. Downstairs, my aunt is leaving so we all go and say our goodbyes to her.

Tobi: I forgot to tell you guys but we're having a party on Saturday, here-

Me: What- why?

Emiel: Mum and dad are gone so why not?

Rio: Leave me out of it, I'll be at a friend's house all week.

Tobi: Sure, I wouldn't want old people like you at my party anyways-

She frowns and pulls Tobi by the ear.

Rio: Listen here you little-

She lectures him and I can tell his ear is about to fall off. I think about the tragedy boy telling me that I'm not confident enough for a real kiss. Maybe if I change my appearance and act another way, he'll want to kiss me. In other words, I have to dress up hot and drink a bit of alcohol; this is the perfect plan to get my first kiss!

The mafia boss' daughterWhere stories live. Discover now