Volume II - Chapter I

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A year later:
At Astrid's house:
5:25 PM:

I'm making myself comfortable on the living room's couch in my pj's(black baggy t-shirt with sweatpants) with Navya on the other side. She doesn't get really cold so she's wearing a white tank top and flannel pants. We're waiting for Astrid to come back in her pj's but she's upstairs frantically searching for them. Meanwhile, Chris comes back to us with a simple white shirt and black sweatpants.

The door rings and Navya and Chris compete to get it. Navya ends up opening the door and it's Lewis- he came with Antonio and Marco, they're insperarable. As they enter the house and sit in the living room, I sit up, instantly feeling awkward. Navya and Chris sur by me, making me feel a bit less timid.

Navya: How have you guys been?

Antonio: Just great.

Marco: Good.

Lewis: Great but- where's Astrid?

Astrid: Here!

She runs down the stairs in a tank top and some shorts before hugging her boyfriend from behind.

Astrid: Alright! Let's start game night- shall we?

Antonio: I brought Uno!

Chris: I love that game- let's play that first!

Antonio proceeds to take the cards out of the bag he took with him.

Astrid: Maybe we should play on the ground- let's move the coffee table.

Navya and Astrid took the coffee table away and we all sat down on the floor.

Antonio: So... Mika-ain't it awkward being here with Marco just now?

I ignore him.

Chris: Can you not?

Lewis: Yeah Toni, that wasn't cool.

Antonio: Geez! I'm sorry, okay?

Navya: We're back!

Astrid: Alright let's start!

The two girls sit down and Antonio distributes eight cards to everyone before I flip the first card of the pile; it's a red card with seven on it. I look at my cards discreetly as Marco puts a blue seven in the pile. Lewis rolls his eyes and picks a card while Astrid throws in a blue plus two card to the pile. I add in a yellow plus two and Navya adds a plus four with a colour changer card.

Chris: You can't do that-

Navya: Yeah I can- and the colour is red.

Me: Thank you- Nav.

Navya: No problem, babes!

Chris: I-

Marco: Just take your six cards-

Chris: Alright.

He proceeds to take six cards while Antonio puts in another red card. Lewis puts in a red reverse card but Antonio puts in a green reverse card. Lewis puts in another reverse and I chuckle quietly with Astrid as Antonio blocks Chris with a yellow card.

Chris: Do you guys hate me-

Navya: No we don't!

Me: Only while playing Uno.

She puts in a green card and we continue the game normally until I end up with two cards and lay down one of them.

Me: Uno!

Navya adds two four cards, the first being yellow and the second being red.

Me: Counter uno!

Navya: Huh-

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