7. coffee, catastrophe and connections

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It was one of those gloomy mornings in Barcelona when the sky couldn't decide whether to cry or offer a glimpse of the sun. Much like my own indecisive nature when it came to mornings. But even the darkest hours couldn't deter me from my morning coffee ritual. As much as I tried to convince myself that I was immune to its siren call, the lure of caffeine was a temptation too powerful to resist. So, there I was, making my way to the cosy café just around the corner from our training ground.

Ordering my usual iced oat milk latte with a dash of vanilla syrup, I couldn't help but savour the rich aroma that enveloped me as the barista prepared my elixir. It was the perfect prelude to the inevitable chaos that awaited me at the training session with Aitana, Ingrid, Patri, and Keira. Walking back to the training ground, I clutched my coffee like a shield, mentally preparing myself for the gruelling hours ahead. It was on this pleasant stroll that I got a taste of my unexpected Barcelona breakfast.

So, as the rain drizzled and the city's daily hustle began, I found myself in my trusted coffee shop. The barista recognized me by now, and there was no need for me to say a word. He simply nodded, and my usual iced americano was in the works. As I waited for my caffeine salvation, I watched the morning crowd, a mix of tourists with oversized umbrellas and locals embracing the drizzle with a sense of familiarity.

A familiar voice broke my observation. "Isabela! Come sit with us for a bit before training."

I turned to find Aitana with her usual exuberance, holding a cup of coffee and wearing an oversized hoodie that seemed to swallow her whole. Ingrid and Patri were with her, both looking equally bleary-eyed but cheery.

"Absolutely." I smiled as I paid for my latte and went to sit down with the girls. 

Aitana, Ingrid, and Patri were the trio of friendliness, welcoming me into their morning routine as if I'd been a part of it for years.

As the conversation flowed, I couldn't help but think about the upcoming training session. Alexia was still an enigma to me, a chilly presence on the pitch and an even icier presence off it. My first day had left me convinced she harboured a perpetual grudge against me. The idea of bumping into her in a cosy coffee shop before training seemed both improbable and nerve-wracking.As if on cue, the door chimed, and a group of footballers entered, led by none other than Alexia.  Jana, and Mariona were with her, their smiles contrasting with the relentless rain outside. The morning had just taken a surprising turn.

Alexia, in particular, appeared different from her training persona. She was less intimidating and more relaxed, a far cry from the woman who could silence a room with a single look. The shock was evident on my face, and Aitana, who followed my gaze, chuckled.

"Yeah, she's not always the ice queen, you know. Outside of training, she's... different."

Different? That was an understatement. Alexia and the others were now laughing, discussing something in Spanish that I couldn't quite catch. She looked... human. Approachable. It was as if she'd left her football persona at the door.

And Jana, well, her mischievous eyes caught mine as she made eye contact with Ingrid and pointed playfully. It was a gesture that seemed to convey a shared secret, and whatever it was, it involved Alexia.

The trio walked over to our table, and Jana's smile was infectious. "Morning, ladies! Mind if we join you?"

Ingrid, ever the diplomat, gestured to the empty seats. "Of course, sit down. We were just getting our caffeine fix."

Alexia took a seat across from me, which, in itself, was a surprise. I expected her to maintain a considerable distance, but here she was, only a table's width away. My usual morning caffeine haze intensified.

"Isabela," she greeted me, and I wasn't sure if I should be alarmed or flattered by the way she pronounced my name. "What's your choice of poison this morning?"

STARGIRL, alexia putellasWhere stories live. Discover now