15. your smile made of sun

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Meeting Ingrid at the most discreet coffee shop I could find in Barcelona felt like a top-secret mission, which was fitting considering the nature of our conversation. I needed to ensure absolute discretion, and this place seemed so out of pocket that it was perfect. As I entered the bustling café, my eyes darted around to check for familiar faces. Seeing none, I felt a bit more at ease. Ingrid was already there, engrossed in her phone, but that would soon change.

I placed a fifty euro note in front of her, and her puzzled expression was priceless. I watched her closely, hoping she'd connect the dots from our bet. It didn't take long for her to get it, and her reaction was nothing short of comical.

Her face transformed from confusion to shock, and she couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What's this for?" she initially asked, her tone tinted with amusement.

I gave her a knowing look, silently willing her to remember our little wager. Finally, the realization hit her, and her laughter grew even more contagious. "No way, Bella. You and Alexia...?"

I joined her laughter as I sat down, confirming her suspicion with a nod. If only I could go back in time and tell my past self about this development, she'd probably think I was delirious.

Ingrid's amusement continued as she shook her head in disbelief. "Wow, you've been holding out on me! When did this happen?"

"At Aitana's party," I replied, my own shock still lingering.

Ingrid's eyes widened as the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. "So that's why you disappeared halfway through the party!" She mused, her voice laced with surprise. "And... anything since?"

I hesitated for a moment, then admitted, "After the party, I stayed the night. And pretty much every night this week, we've... seen each other." I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Oh. My. God," Ingrid exclaimed, her astonishment clear.

"But you cannot tell a soul, Ingrid - not even Mapi. Seriously. You have to promise me."

Ingrid nodded vigorously, sealing our secret with a pinkie promise. Yet her curiosity was far from satiated. She leaned forward, eyes sparkling with intrigue. "So is it just a casual thing?"

I chuckled, my amusement hardly contained. "Ingrid, I don't think Alexia Putellas is one for the term 'casual.'"

A mischievous glint sparkled in Ingrid's eyes as she pressed further. "So... you're dating then?"

I considered her question, contemplating the complexity of the situation. "Not exactly," I replied, ready to unravel the convoluted mess. I then proceeded to recount the events of the previous night when Alexia had effectively crashed my date and, in her own inimitable way, managed to turn whatever the hell was going on between us into something... official. "Officially casual," I finally summed it up, fully aware of how ridiculous it sounded.

Ingrid's laughter filled the coffee shop, causing a few patrons to shoot us curious glances. But I didn't mind. There was something cathartic about sharing this newfound... relationship status with my friend.

In between giggles, Ingrid raised an eyebrow. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day when you're officially casually involved with Alexia Putellas. I mean... I did, just not so soon."

"Believe me, I never saw that day coming so soon either, or ever." I admitted, shaking my head in bemusement.

Ingrid's laughter gradually subsided, and she looked at me with genuine happiness. "You know what, Bella? As complicated as it sounds, I think this might actually be a good thing. You two... you make a hot couple - you'd have gorgeous babies."

I let out a raucous laugh, causing her to throw her arms up in exasperation. "What? I'm telling the truth."

"You sound just like my dear Madre."

STARGIRL, alexia putellasWhere stories live. Discover now