14. no more games

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Picture this: Barca's gym that's meant for serious workouts, but our little squad transforms it into a gossip centre on steroids. It's me, Ingrid, Aitana, and Jana - the fabulous four. What were we doing there? Working out, of course. And talking, mostly talking.

We start with a warm-up jog, but don't be fooled - the true cardio exercise is catching up on all the latest drama, you could say it's a workout for our vocal chords. 

As I'm grinding through some excruciating planks, Aitana peeks over and shoots me a sly smile, causing my already quivering muscles to work overtime. "Isabela, you're too beautiful to be single, you know?"

Ingrid, in the middle of doing squats, chimes in, "Yeah, seriously.  Got a special someone in your life we don't know about?"

I flash them a cheeky grin, partly because I can't possibly smirk while in a plank position, and partly because the real answer is a tad more complicated. "Oh, you know, I'm enjoying the single life too much to tie myself down right now."

And well, I'm not lying entirely. I am enjoying the single life because, you know, no one's trying to share my stash of snacks and I can watch as much trashy reality TV as I want without judgment.

I obviously don't tell them about Alexia, I mean, can you imagine? But what I don't tell them, what I don't reveal to you, dear reader, is that there was this little chapter in my life back when I was seventeen. For a year, I was involved with an ex-Barca Femeni player. She plays for another team now, but they definitely all know her. You're probably wondering who, right? Well, that's a story for another time, or maybe, never. Hopefully never.

After all, a girl has to have some mystery about her.

After a grabbing some juice to revive ourselves from working out, we went into the locker rooms and began to change into our boots and kit. The rest of the team shortly arrived as well, and that (surprise, surprise) included Alexia. 

Her eyes landed on me instantly as she shot me a small, sly smile, her dark eyes boring into mine. I returned it quickly before Mapi, who happened to be standing next to her, saw anything... out of the ordinary. For them, me and Alexia smiling at each other was definitely out of the ordinary.

As we all eventually changed, we filed out of the changing room one by one. I, of course, happened to be last in line, and Alexia, as though by some miraculous coincidence, happened to be standing by the doorframe, ominously waiting. This girl was either craving some serious attention or was on a mission to test the limits of my job and reputation.

Just as I was about to casually make my exit, feigning complete obliviousness to the fact that she was literally waiting for me, Alexia extended her hand to stop me.

"You still have your necklace on," she observed with a sly smirk.

"Oh," I mumbled, looking down at my chest.

Before I can say anything I'm being spun around as she takes it off for me, taking an extra long time fiddling with the clasp - classic.

She was two teasing kisses in, and I was already enjoying it too much to let her stop. I smiled, pulling away softly, so she could pull me back again, savouring every moment of her seductive game. "Alexia, we have to go..." My voice trailed off as she continued to press those tantalizing kisses on my neck.

But instead of pulling back, she held me tighter, her lips just a breath away from my ear. "You're right," she murmured, her warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "But you know I love pushing limits, especially yours."

With that, she leaned in for another irresistible kiss, and I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment once more. The world could wait a little longer.

We arrived at training five minutes later, luckily it hadn't fully began yet so it wasn't too obvious that we had been together... alone. Perhaps our collective flushed and flustered appearance spoke otherwise, as Mapi turned to us and said something that was like a tornado in a teacup. "You guys race or something, you look a little red."

"Yes." We both blurted out simultaneously. Brilliant. Now everyone was giving us weird looks. I was praying they thought we had another argument or something, maybe even a fist fight. 

STARGIRL, alexia putellasWhere stories live. Discover now