23. no more secrets

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Patri raised an eyebrow, glancing at Ingrid and Mapi, who were wearing matching expressions of shock. "Oh, come on, Bella. Don't tell me you didn't know."

I shot a bewildered look at Ingrid and Mapi, silently pleading for clarification. Ingrid sighed, as if regretting she had to be the bearer of this particular piece of gossip.

"Bella, we thought you knew. It was like a brief thing before you and Alexia got together."

My mind was spinning, and I could feel the temperature of my coffee suddenly dropping to an Arctic chill. "Brief thing? What does that even mean? And why didn't anyone tell me?"

Mapi gave Patri an incredulous look. "Is this the 'keep secrets from Isabela' day or something?"

Patri shrugged apologetically. "I thought she knew, okay?"

I leaned back in my chair, processing this unexpected revelation. Alexia, the woman I thought I knew so well, had a romantic history with Jenni Hermoso. Luckily, apparently it wasn't exactly a grand love affair.

"Wait, so they were a thing?" I asked, needing clarification because my brain refused to accept this reality.

Mapi nodded solemnly. "Yeah, back before you joined. But it didn't last long, obviously."

I shook my head and tried to give my best reassuring smile at them all. 

I couldn't decide if I was more shocked, hurt, or just plain confused. My relationship with Alexia had always felt like an open book, but suddenly, I found myself in a chapter I hadn't even known existed.

Ingrid patted my hand sympathetically. "Bella, are you okay? We didn't mean to drop this bomb on you."

I took a deep breath, attempting to gather my thoughts. "Yeah, just... surprised. How come no one thought to mention it before?"

Patri sighed, "We genuinely thought you were aware. It's not like Alexia hides things." Uh, sure.

I muttered, "Clearly, she hid this."

Patri leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Well, you know how Alexia is. She probably assumed you knew and didn't feel the need to bring it up."

"Assumed? In a relationship, you're not supposed to assume, you communicate!" I shot back, my frustration bubbling to the surface.

Ingrid chimed in, "Look, Bella, it's not like it's some big dark secret. It happened, it ended, and Alexia chose you. End of story."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. "Chose me? Or just conveniently ended up with me after things didn't work out with Jenni?"

Patri raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and concern. "Is this a jealousy thing?"

"No! I'm not jealous," I protested, a little too vehemently. "I just... I wish I had known. I feel like an idiot."

Mapi grinned. "Welcome to the club, where we're all idiots in love. It's a great club; you get a lifetime membership."

I glared at her, but a reluctant smile tugged at the corners of my lips. The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on me. Here I was, a key player in one of the most successful football teams, and yet I couldn't navigate the complexities of my own relationship.

"Listen... don't worry. It wasn't your fault you didn't know that I didn't know. I'll talk to Alexia."

Later on, I entered our apartment, the familiar warmth and scent of familiarity enveloped me. Alexia was there, lounging on the sofa, and as soon as she spotted me, a mischievous glint sparked in her eyes.

"Well, well, well, look who's gracing us with her presence," she teased, patting the space next to her. "Come, join me, stargirl."

I played along, allowing her to pull me down onto the sofa. Alexia wasted no time, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pressing a playful kiss to my cheek. I chuckled, thinking that maybe this was exactly what I needed after a long day.

She continued her playful antics, fingers tracing lazy patterns on my arm. "You know, I missed you today. The office felt empty without my favourite distraction."

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smile that threatened to break through. "I'm sure you managed to survive."

Her eyes danced with amusement. "Barely. I was counting the minutes until I could see your pretty face again."

I sighed in mock exasperation. "You're such a charmer."

But as her hands started to wander, playfully skimming the hem of my top, my patience wore thin. I gently pushed her hand away, giving her a pointed look.

"Alexia, can we talk?"

She looked momentarily puzzled but complied, sitting up straighter. "Sure, mi amor. What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Patri, Ingrid, and Mapi dropped a little bombshell on me today. About you and Jenni Hermoso."

Understanding flickered in her eyes, and she sighed. "Ah, that."

"Yeah, that." I leaned back, crossing my arms. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Alexia's gaze softened, and she reached for my hand. "Bella, I didn't think it was a big deal. It was a brief thing before we got together. I didn't want to complicate things."

I shook my head, frustration bubbling. "Not a big deal? Alexia, it is a big deal to me. I thought we were open with each other about everything."

She reached out to hold my hand, her touch gentle. "I'm sorry, Bella. I didn't mean to keep it from you. It was just a part of my past that didn't seem relevant."

I took a moment, weighing my words. "Well, it's relevant now. I need to understand, Alexia. What happened between you two?"

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Honestly, not much. We tried being more than friends, realized it wasn't working, and decided to stick with what we were good at – being friends."

I nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "It just caught me off guard, you know? I thought I knew everything about us."

She squeezed my hand. "I get it. I should have communicated better, and I'm sorry if it made you feel left out."

I leaned into her, the tension easing slightly. "Let's just promise to keep the communication lines open, okay?"

A small smile played on her lips. "Deal. And, Bella, if there's ever anything you want to know, just ask. No secrets."

STARGIRL, alexia putellasWhere stories live. Discover now