21. what once was

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Once again, I found myself grumbling out of pure dread. No, it wasn't a penalty - it was yet another family dinner. Cue the ominous music.

Alexia was supposed to be the one holding my hand, helping me refrain from insulting my whole bloodline and making sure that I didn't drink to much to do so. But alas, a pressing engagement in the world of high-profile press releases had her tied up. She did, however, assure me that she would be on speed dial if things took a dark turn.

There I stood, surrounded by the chaos that is choosing an outfit for an occasion like this. Alexia, ever the voice of reason, leaned against the bedroom door, watching my internal meltdown with an amused glint in her eyes.  She sauntered into the room, all cool confidence and an air of nonchalance. "Well, well, well. Look who's ready to charm the socks off her dear family."

I huffed a dry laugh. "I'm aiming for 'survive without causing irreversible damage."

"Mi amor," she said, flashing that knowing, wistful smile of hers. "It's just dinner. What could possibly go wrong?"

I shot her a look that could have curdled milk. "Oh, I don't know, maybe my mother insisting I marry the brother of the idiot Leticia's dating? Or perhaps the lobster on the menu staging a mutiny?"

Alexia chuckled. "Come on, it's not that bad. Just smile, nod, and internally plot your escape route. You're a pro at this."

I groaned, tossing a shoe onto the bed. "I hate these family gatherings. Why can't we just communicate through carrier pigeons or something?"

She crossed her arms, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Carrier pigeons, huh? That's your solution to family drama? You might be onto something."

I shot her a deadpan look. "I'm a visionary." Before rummaging through my clothes as if the perfect outfit could shield me from the impending disaster. Alexia, ever the beacon of serenity, strolled over and plucked a dress from the hangers.

"How about this one?" she suggested, holding it against herself with a playful twirl. "Elegant, sophisticated, and just the right amount of 'I'll stab you with my fork if you annoy me.'"

I slipped into the dress and wandered to the mirror, mentally trying to pair it with the right pieces of jewellery, bag and shoes.

She strolled over, eyes locked on me in a way that felt like she was already undressing the outfit with her mind. I wished she would, instead, to my disappointment, she helped me with the zipper, fingers grazing my waist and hips. She planted some reassuring neck kisses that, I must admit, were very needed before wrapping her arms around my body. Giggling slightly, I slowly released myself from her embrace, despite wanting stay in it forever, heading to the living room where I left my heels. But before I could take more than three steps I was pulled back and spun around again. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Alexia's voice, a seductive whisper against my ear, sent a delightful shiver down my spine.

"Shoes?" I raised an eyebrow, pretending innocence while secretly revelling in the proximity. She chuckled, her breath warm against my neck. "Not so fast, stargirl. You can't just walk away from me looking the way you do."

The way she said it sent my mind into a tailspin of desire, but I tried to maintain my composure. "And what way is that?"

"The way that makes me want to cancel all my plans and keep you all to myself," she replied, her fingers tracing circles on my lower back.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Well, too bad for you, I have a date with the four-headed monster: Mum, Dad, Leticia and el payaso."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Must you ruin a perfectly good fantasy with the harsh reality?"

"Someone's got to keep it real," I quipped, stepping away to grab my heels. But before I could escape, Alexia caught my wrist and pulled me back for a lingering kiss that made my knees weak.

After finally making out the door and wishing Alexia luck on her meetings, I took an uber to the address my mother sent me, which happened to be this fancy restaurant on the seafront, where the lobster in the tanks seemed to be eyeing me with a level of intensity that felt deeply personal. 

STARGIRL, alexia putellasWhere stories live. Discover now