Chapter 13 : The Confession

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"Kiara! What is this? Did you not like the gifts? You never reacted like this. Do you want me to order some more gifts, maybe something more expensive?"
[Saying this he took out his phone and started searching for gifts but I took his phone and kept it on the table.]
"Ritesh, what do you think you are doing?"
"Kiara, you didn't like the gifts so I am ordering some more for you."
"Seriously Ritesh? Do you really think I am mad at you for this? Do you even know me ?"
"Of course I do know you. And if not this then what you mad about?"
"Did you know that it was my birthday the other day I called you?"
"Of-ofcourse I knew."
"Okay, I believe it. Who was with you when I called you?"
"I told you I was with my cousins."
"Oh! So is Kritika your cousin?"
"What? No ! Aisa kyun pooch rahi ho?"
"She was with you in Goa that's why I asked you."
"What nonsense she wasn't with me."
"Oh really? Then who is this in her instagram story?" [I showed him the screenshot of Kritika's story.]
"You, you knew about this?"
"Yes,I do. But why did you lie to me ?"
"You know you have hurted me so much. Not once but twice. This is the second time you have hurted me."
"When was the first time?"
"You remember when we went on the trek. And you hugged Kritika and said "I Love You?"
"I remember, but what is the problem about it?"
"The one you hugged was not Kritika, that person was me."
"What? But why would you say I love you back to me ?"
"Because I did love you. I loved you so much. But when you guys revealed your relationship I was happy for you. But this is not acceptable."
"What? You love me? And what's not acceptable?"
"I did Ritesh, tell me when was the last time you called me Ki ? When was the last time we both hung out? When was the last time we both sat and chatted about our problems? And since when have you started forgetting about my birthday?"
"I-I don't remember. But that's okay so what ? I bought you the gifts, didn't I ? I came to spend time with you."
"You came here because you didn't want to cause problems. And what is the use of these gifts when the day this was supposed to be given has already passed?"
"Ki, you know I didn't mean anything right?"
"Oh yeah, you didn't, that's why you went on a vacation with Kritika and didn't tell me."
"I said I will fix this, that's why I was ordering more gifts for you."
"Ritesh don't you get it? You are playing with my feelings. And sorry, but I am done. This is over now."
"Wh-what is over? The fight right?"
"No,our friendship. The friendship is over. So before I get more angry, take your gifts, your phone and everything and just go from here."
[He took his belongings and went near the door.]
"Ritesh, you are gonna regret all this. You really need to fix your behaviour."

After a week
[It's been a week and Graduation ceremony was conducted yesterday. Everything has changed after our fight.]

[I was thinking about the past events when suddenly my phone rang.]
"Hello, Ki! Did you check your email?"
"No,why what is it?"
"Some people have received mails for their application from colleges."
"What? Manav stay with me on the call."
[I quickly grabbed my laptop and checked my email and what I saw made my eyes go big.]
"Ki, you there?"
"Ma-Manav, they accepted my application! It says I have to leave the day after tomorrow to the UK !"
"What! Babe, I am so happy for you. I am gonna tell everyone."
"Manav, don't tell anything to Ritesh and Kritika."
"What are you not gonna tell them ?"
"No, bye I have to go."

After two days
At Oberoi Mansion
[It's been almost two weeks since everything and I am gonna say sorry to Ki.]

Ding dong !
"Namaste aunty Ki kaha hai?"
(Where is Kiara?)
"Beta, she left for the airport two hours ago."
"Airport? Why at the airport?"
"She left for the UK for her further studies. She told all her friends. Manav went to the airport with her."
"She left? When is she returning here?"
"Beta,she might think of working there. So can't really say anything."

[I went numb... I didn't know how to process all this. My childhood best friend just left me without even telling me about anything. The only thing that was going on in my head was her words that she said. "Ritesh, you are gonna regret all this. You really need to fix your behaviour." ]

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