Chapter 1: The shadowy meeting

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The light of the day was disappearing as the darkness of the night was starting to appear.

The dark lord was in his office as he was finishing his paperwork. He was waiting for his allies arrival as he was interested to know what kind of information, his allies were gonna bring to him about that angelic hero.

He heard a knock on his office door as he finished his paperwork.

He told them to come in and they did. He saw his allies neural faces and he had a smug on his face.

"Why the neural faces? Did you bring any information about that hero or not?" He asked as nobody of his allies were bold enough to answer except for one.

"W-Well s-sir, the th-hing i-is...."

"The thing is what? I commanded all of you to bring me information about that hero and you all brought me nothing but crumbs."

"We tried sir, but..."

"But what? Go on. Tell me your pathetic excuse and I might let you get out of this manor alive." He said as he started laughing and some of his allies were terrified and some others didn't even say anything.

"Well, we did some research sir but we didn't find anything. Not age, not likes, not dislikes, not even her abilities or her real name."


"Except what?"

"Except the town she lives." He said as he handed his boss a piece of paper with her location.

Apperantly, she lived in the city named Goldelin. Now, that city had the reputation as the city of hope because the superhero headquarters were also located there. So he wasn't surprised or impressed at all.

"Well, it's better than nothing I suppose, but I'm not impressed. Leave before I change my mind." He ordered them and they quickly left.

He was now alone in his office, as he was thinking what he could do to get information about her.

It was a mistake to ask his allies's help when they brought him nothing but her location.

He thought, that if he wanted this to be done, then he better do it himself.

Since he knew her location thanks to them, he thought of a brilliant idea to get closer to her.

Since he had shadow manipulation, he could easily blend in the darkness.

So he slowly started becoming one with the darkness until he was a part of it.
He started moving within the shadows so he could track her down.

When he found her, he transformed into her own shadow and started mimicking her every move. She was inside of the superhero headquarters and she knocked a door.

Someone from inside told her to come in and she did. She closed the behind her and she took a sit right across a man with black hair, dark blue eyes and olive skin and white streak on his hair. He wore a dark blue vest that underneath was a white shirt and white trousers. It was his brother.

"Songbird, to what do I owe this visit at this kind of hour?" Magnus asked as his brother was still observing the whole situation.

"I just wanted to give you the report about my yesterday's battle." She said as she handed him the report.

"Why thank you. So how are you after the battle you had? I saw the whole scene on TV and I must admit that it must have been difficult for you, since your new."

"It was but I'm fine now. After all, evil doesn't rest, and we should be ready for everything."

"I suppose you're right and I'm glad we have you on our side, just try to stay safe."

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