Chapter 4: A turn of events

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The angelic heroine was waking up after the tiredsome fight that she had the day before yesterday. She got up from her cozy and warm bed and went to her closet to get ready for her day. She wore her white costume, her black belt, and her long white boots, went outside to her balcony, and took off. She started flying around the city to feel the chilly autumn wind on her long, snowy hair, and she was fascinated by the people's lives. She always found other people's lives interesting because it reminded her of watching a movie, and she always wondered how a normal day was, where she didn't have to fight crime. She sighed and then she felt her stomach rumbling, since she didn't have breakfast yet, so she decided to make a landing and walked to a café to get something to eat.

As she was walking towards the register, the people that were there were whispering about her as they were surprised and amazed by her sudden presence.

"Hi there. I don't mean to be a bother, but do you have a slice of chicken pie?" She asked the person that was working on the register, and she was shocked for a couple of seconds, and the heroine was getting a little concerned.

"Hey, um... miss, are you ok?"

"Y-Yea. Pardon me, but are you Songbird?"

"Of course. I mean you don't see many people like me, do you?" She joked as she giggled

"No... Gosh, this is going to sound awkward, but can I get a picture with you?"

"Absolutely. After all, it's always nice meeting my fans." She answered, and they took the picture with the girl's phone.

"Thank you... So, you wanted a slice of chicken pie, correct? Here or..."

"Oh, I'll take it with me. So how much do I owe you?"

"Ah... It's on the house."

"No, please,  I can't accept that. You work really hard, and as a customer, I have to respect that by paying you."


"No, I insist. Keep the change, by the way." She said as she put the money on the counter, took the slice with a napkin, and left.

She started eating the slice as she was walking on the roads of the city, but her walk was interrupted by the reporters shouting her name as they ran to her direction with their microphones and camera.

"Songbird, we heard that you performed to the Big O two days ago. Is it true?"

"It most certainly is."

"How does it feel that your fans love your singing voice and ask you if you would perform again?"

"I feel touched to have such supportive fans that look up to me, and yes, I would do it again."

"What are you eating right now?"

"Oh, this? It's just a slice of chicken pie since it's my favorite."

"What are your feelings towards the dark lord?" When this question was asked, she was shocked.

"Um... I beg your pardon, but what do you mean when you say feelings?"

"The majority of your fans, after the encounters that you had with him, started suspecting the possibility that you're in love with him, since he's flirty and smitten when it comes to you. So tell us, what is your relationship with him?"

"Whoa, um... Sorry to disappoint a lot of my fans, but I could never fall for him since he's my archenemy. Could you imagine me being in a relationship with a selfish, devilish, wicked, cruel, and arrogant man like him? I understand why they would get the idea, since he's um... flirty, to say the least. Needless to say, I am not in love with him and never will be." She said as she was holding the hand he kissed in their last battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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