The Mechanic and The Android

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Makz pov:

"Damnit, I thought you said the security would be light?" My co worker Jerico whispers shouts to me. "I told you it was still government property, even though its shut down doesn't mean it's not still government tech." I roll my eyes at his idiotic nature. "For someone who is smart engineer, you sure don't use that brain much do you?"

I watched for an opening in the security watch to make our move. Once the guard moves away from the open gates, we make our way in. "Come on Jer, move your ass." "Yeah, yeah" He mumbled. Once passed we make out way to the back sections, where the security is low. "Okay spread out and see what we can find, remember whatever looks like it can be worth the most cash once fixed." Jericho heads off with a "rodger that Mak." I look around the lot, not much luck yet busted radiators, Lithium battery, carbon fiber optics, and a few parts to fix a few radio's back at the shop. "Well at least that will be useful for some cash at least."

Looking for some medical things to take back to the shop I stumbled upon something buried under some of the rubble, it looks like... An arm? "Could use that for future up grades." I mumbled to my self. When I grabbed it to put on the trolley I realized it was stuck, not stuck attached to something. I tried to uncover it, only to see a person under neath. I looked around for Jericho, when I saw him I got his attention. "Psst, Jer come here I need you to help me grab this." He ran over to help, once the person was more exposed, I could see it was an AHRA.

"Wow, it's still in relatively good condition." "Well take it back with us to the shop to evaluate the condition of the core drive." Hoisting it on the trolley, we called it a night and snuck back out to the van we drove here.  

Once inside Jericho drove back, while I stayed in back. I examine the outer condition of the AHRA, the ragged white uniform, few tears in the synthetic silicone skin, exposing some of the wires and iner workings. On closer inspection I can tell now it's a young woman maybe 19 or 20, dirt and grime clings to her slightly exposed tan skin on her sides, due to the shirt being ripped similarly to a crop top, all the way up to her face and neck, some even stuck to the dark brown synthetic hair that's probably knotted. Still she's very beautiful even in this state. "We'll be back at the shop in a few hours Mak, you can rest if you want now, cuz I know once we get to the shop your going straight to work huh?" Jericho glances at me in the rear view mirror, I break my gaze from the AHRA and smirk.

"You know me to damn well, but I'll take you up on the offer to sleep." I moved to adjust my self against the wall near the trolley, I glance at the Android one last time be for dozing off. "Don't worry, well have you up and runs in no time."

Author note:

Hopefully this will due for now till the next update.
Probably misspelled a lot

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