Wake ups and Awkward Stares

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Pov: Ana

__Powering up___
60% core restoration

__Damage analysis___
36% inoperable

__Time till shut down___
00 days: 04 hours: 54 min

__going online___

My optics flickered as my hard drive sets up to take in my surroundings. Glancing around I seem to be in an automotive, similar to that of the ones the facility I was from drove, large carrier vans used to export other AHRA and import faulty androids that failed initial testing outside of the facility.

Looking amongst the bags of tools and parts, my eyes were met with the driver of the van, a human male in his late 20s, short ginger hair, wearing a dark hoodie with grease stains and dirt, as well as on his blue jeans, and red shoes.

Following his emerald eyes, I turn to my left being met with a second human. They appeared to be mid 20s, jet black hair pulled up, wearing a black top, maroon overalls also with grease spots on them, and traces of Therium looking recently stained. I look into her hazel eyes gazing me, before checking on the outer damage reported.

" It seems to be worse than I had figured with the initial analysis." Looking back at the two humans. " I can't get a full data read on either of you. My hard drive is only partially operational at the moment." The humans just continue to stare. " Perhaps and introduction would be viable to start with. I am model 4n4-27, I am an AHRA medical android." I look to the humans who glance between each other before the male speaks.

" Um yeah.., I'm Jericho... The driver I guess." I look to the other for their name and occupation, only to be met with a silent stare. " Yeah... that's makz, they're a mechanic at our shop in town, and apparently they have a staring problem. Makz! Say something to the nice metal lady." I frown at the description he gave of me, but continue to wait for a response from Makz.

" Uh..." Clearing their throat and looking at Jericho, then back to me. "Of course, h... Heyy I'm makz. But you know that, anyways I hate to do this as you just woke up and all." I shook me head and respond " The act of awakening is something I don't believe I can do, androids don't require sleep like humans." They slowly nod. " Right wrong wording, anyway we need your help with something really quick." I looked between the both of them as I spoke. " Without proper repair I can only function for 4 hours, but I will try to be of use for the time being. Are you in need of medical assistance?"

Makz collected a screen with wires connecting to it. " Uh... No nothing like that." They tap away at  something on the tablet. "4 hours is perfect, we have to pass a security checkpoint to get you back and repaired, but you need to act as human sacrifice possible. The guard can't know your an android."

I nod slowly before questioning. " Why must I conceal myself? My derective and medical personnel would give incisive for clearance." Jericho hesitates to answer. " Well you see... Technically outside of military use AHRA androids are illegal, because of the hackers. And if you're not with the military then you would be seen as a rouge and killed on sight." I log the information given to me, still questioning it. " I still require a deeper explanation about this topic but due to the time I will agree to assist you."

Author note:

Sorry for the cut off, I also updated makz to be non binary, if you don't want them to be then just reimagine it differently.

Probably spelling mistakes, anyway bye.

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