Red faces and Avoidance Plans

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Pov: Makz

The feeling of the van stopping awoke me. I looked to Jericho with bleary eyes, wondering if we were back at the garage yet. "Jer, we there yet, why'd we stop?" He sighs "not yet, there's a check point in about 3 miles. How do we get by without them seeing the bot? You know we're not supposed to have that!"

He says panicky, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Hey Jer, calm down alright?, we just have to figure out how to hide her or something." I look around the things we collected, I have a small amount of therium, from a job a few weeks back, if I had something to run power from, I can power her on temporarily, just long enough to get past the checkpoint and we're gone.

"Jer, give that broken tablet you found, I'm gonna repurpose it to redirect power from the damaged factory routers to the therium pump in the AHRA, there should be just enough battery for us to get by those ass hats and get back to repair her." Jericho just looked at me with a horrified stare. "First it wasn't broken, just damaged it still works, and second why would I do that? Why don't you use your shit? Why's it gotta be my things?"

I glance up in between him and what I'm working on, "Because the tablet will be less suspicious then if I was to set up 3 seperate monitors to track the vitals and circumstances, and a decoy router so they don't see the one powering the android. Now had it over before I jump your ass and take it anyway."

With a sad sigh, and a few mumbled cuss words, he hands it over and I get to work on the first half of the plan. The second half is what's going to be troublesome, due to needing access to the therium pump. Which is located similarly to a human heart, which means one thing, I have to remove the shreds of clothing on the android, Just great. I glance up at the android in front of me. "Jer turn around." He just stares confused "Why? What's up?"

I just roll my eyes "because dipshit, I have to get to the pump and that means taking of her clothes, so turn around."
He just rolled his eyes "it's a robot. Are you sure your gay ass shouldn't be the one to turn around, hmm?" I glare at his smirking face, with slight blush "shut up and turn around before I throw something at you, and you still don't need to see her in such a state."

"Oh but you should, you pervert." He says just trying to get under my skin, and it worked. I was now red faced and regretting not hiding her in a tool box till we got back to the shop. "I am not, shut up and let me work." He just laughed "whatever you say." I take a breath and take removed my jacket, to lay over her, and begin removing the shreds of cloth. After connecting the wires we were good to go. I hold the jacket in place and sit her up. Glancing at Jericho making sure he can see anything, I readjust the jacket to be on properly and zipped it closed, "this will hide most the wires on her arm and the ones hooked up to the pump, now to just turn on the power and hope this works." I tell Jericho he can turn around now.

Once I make sure everything is good I look to Jericho. "This can either go really good or really bad, Here goes nothing."

Author notes:
Sorry for the cliffhanger, just getting to meet Ana, how interesting

Anyway spelling mistakes probably and credit to owner for picture but hope you enjoy reading

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