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Staring at my reflection in the mirror, i couldn't help but notice my sunken cheek bone, my once upon a time shiny red hair has lost its shine even my eyes were now a pair of dull, lifeless orbs, those were just a few not to mention the bruises which decorated my skin, all in all my appearance was shitty and this dress wasn't doing much to help, sighing internally, my eyes drifted to the photo of my mom which rested on my desk, deciding against my wandering thoughts, i went to stand in the living room waiting for them to come down.

Avery stepped out first wearing a royal blue body fitting dress which stopped in her mid thigh, the dress hugged all her curves well, which she paired with black stiletto, her hair was let down in waves making her look more stunning.

Allen followed immediately after her wearing a black long dress which fit her like gloves, it had a slit on the right side which ended in her hip bone exposing her toned skin, she paired it with silver gladiator heels and silver jewelries, her black hair was pin straight accentuating her high cheek bones and lastly was sally who wore a moss green dress with spaghetti hands, the back of the dress was held together by thin straps which she paired with gold coloured heels and gold jewelries.

They were all stunning.

I wondered if this was how everybody would be dressed there then i'll awfully stand out like a sore thumb.

" you can stay behind since you look like shit nobody's stopping you" Avery mused looking down at my dress.

" one's stopping you, besides this is not the first time you're staying behind" Allen joined in.

" ladies, we do not want to waste our precious evening on this peasant here....shall we?" Sally spoke stepping out the front door to their designated cab driver for tonight, i joined sitting in the front sit not missing the disapproving look the driver sent me.

" yeah unfortunately, shes with drive" sally spoke.

Tears were brimming at the corners of my eyes threatening to fall but i held in wanting nothing but to crawl into a hole and die.

I would have stayed back but there's this nagging feeling that i need to go, whether its the fact that sally will be marrying me off soon or maybe i just want to experience the feast even once.

The drive was silent apart from the occasional small talk between allen and avery about finding their mate and how gorgeous they look.

The car stopped in front of a really huge dark gate with the word "KNIGHT" engraved on it. The gateman handed sally a file which she used to document her name, most probably for recognition.

" Do have a nice evening" he saluted while the driver drove in as the gate opened.

My jaws dropped immediately we drove inside, there was a huge water fountain which was surrounded by bright coloured flowers, on each side of the driveway, rows and rows of flowers adorning the place giving it a tranquil vibe.

There were men in black stationed on every corner with stern looking faces. The drive inside was fairly long before we reached the mansion itself which was breathtaking with glass walls which reflected the moon's light.

" you can stop us here" sally voiced which was confusing because there was a designated stop off with a red carpet.

"You can't seriously want to drop us with her" sally spoke to which the driver nodded like it was okay and why am i not surprised after all its sally we are talking about here.

"Get down" she commanded casting me a very disgusted look and i didn't need some magician to tell me twice, i got down quickly.

Exhaling deeply, i took in my surroundings, thank goodness I am the only one here.

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